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 Darren sat in his hospital room with Aimee, looking up at the T.V, Darren could see a dome on the news. "And it appears the concert is back on with a new upcoming artist playing the opening act for it." Darren looked up. "That looks interesting." Darren said. "Well, it's on Friday, do you think you'll be out of here by then?" Aimee asked in her flirtatious way. "Maybe, anyway, I just want to know how we're gonna pay these hospital bills off." Almost as if to symbolize irony, a doctor burst into the room. "Excuse me sir." the doctor spoke. "It appears you room has been paid in full." "Really?!?" Darren asked stunned. "How?" "Some strange man came in and just payed off your bills." "Woah..." Darren said. "Alright, I just wanted to tell you this, you should be out by Friday, we've looked into it and the Prosthetic gets here tonight, so we can put in on tomorrow."

"Wow, that sounds great." Aimee said hugging Darren.


"I'll go get the tickets." Evelyn said to the group. They had decided to go to a concert on Friday, seeing as hectic as things had gotten. And Luca was stable now so they decided to celebrate. "Hey, what about Greg?" Koda asked. "You guys still hang around with that weirdo?" Aimee asked. "Cut the guy some slack." Grayson said. "What does it matter, if he's not here to give Evelyn the money, he's not coming to the concert." Luca said with resent. "Ok, I'll get go now." Evelyn said taking the money to get the tickets. In all honesty, she just wanted away from them, seeing as Aimee was back, she was obsolete, unneeded. She was just looking for a way to vent. She walked down the street, seeing the line for tickets, and judging how the stadium was only a block down the street. Y'know, that's actually pretty smart city planning. She thought. A stadium next to a hospital, you know how hectic concerts can be. The line progressed as she eventually got to the front and got the tickets.


Evelyn felt the wind on her face as she chased after Aimee, who had taken her ticket. "Aimee!¨ She yelled. "Give it back!!!" "What? This?" Aimee asked with a smirk. She continued to tear the ticket in half. "Whoops." She said dropping the shreds. "Sorry." She said. "Aimee, I swear, I'm done!" "Oh yeah, and what are you gonna tell Darren what I did, who's he gonna believe? The girl he's dating or some random girl he just met? News flash! there's only room for one girl in Darren's life and that's me." She said. "You're just like Gregor, a useless piece of garbage who doesn't deserve anything." "No, I won't..." "Won't what, let me do this, heh, I already have." She turned and ran out the door. "What's her problem?" Luca asked with Adrianna wheeling her up.

"Oh, nothing." She said.

Evelyn walked down to the road, hoping to find a way to get more tickets, trying to replace her's, as she rounded the corner, she saw the sold out sign draped over the stand. She slumped down as she started to walk back, as she saw a familiar face in an alleyway. "Gregor?" She asked. "Evelyn?" He asked. "What are you doing?" She Asked. "I've got some things I've gotta deal with, I've got Darren's stuff payed off, I just gotta play this concert." He said. "Wait, the first act is YOU?!?" "Yeah, keep it quiet though, ok?" "No, I want to do it with you." "What? Why?" "Aimee destroyed my ticket, and I don't want to miss this, please?" She asked. "Fine." Gregor Replied. "Let's go." *done with the evelyn chapter*


The night was young as the van pulled up to the arena, Darren hobbled out of the side door as Adrianna helped Luca out of the back. The group entered the stadium to get to their seats. As they reached their seats, the announcer (Who is Trevor but Darren doesn't know him, so.) spoke. "Alright, Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to our wondrous show, we have a great evening planned, now, welcome to the stage, our first musician, a rising star, you've seen him before playing a special occasion, but now, he's here tonight, and he's even brought a friend to help with this next song, , give it up for Gregor McEwan!!!" The announcer yelled as the blinds rose revealing Gregor at a keyboard. Our heroes stared awestruck as Gregor started the first song.

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