The Final Blow

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"What did he do to you!?" Darren gasped, brushing a stray lock of hair from Evelyn's face.

"W-what??" She replied, crying softly.

"Are you okay?"

"I can't hear you!!" She began to gasp for air, clinging to her lover's arm tightly to try and anchor herself back on Earth. "I can't hear anything..."

Darren pondered what to do for a few seconds, feeling a bit dizzy from the gun wounds in his leg. He couldn't feel it anymore, which he was fine with; it made it easier to concentrate. "Wait here," He said quickly, realizing too late she hadn't heard him. "Sheet. Umm... Grayson, get me my phone."

"...Okay?" He replied, handing him the phone. "Raven and Adrianna are chasing the shooter, so we're most likely gonna have him soon."

Darren opened the Note App and maneuvered his hurt leg to sit next to his love. "Are you okay?" He typed before handing her the phone.

"I can't hear..." She moaned in reply. "He shot me somewhere and I can't hear. There's a lot of ringing something and that's it..." She sobbed in pain before continuing. "My head hurts."

"Don't worry," He typed back, grasping her hand for comfort and to comfort. "We called an ambulance for you. Everything's going to be okay. I love you so, so much, you know?"

"Is your leg okay?" She said suddenly, remembering the pain she felt when Darren was shot.

Darren hid his leg quickly from her view. He didn't want her to worry about him; he'd be okay as long as she lived. "I'm fine. It's not as bad as it looks." He hoped what he had typed would turn out to be true, but quite frankly the presence of Evelyn in pain beside him told him not to care. As long as she was okay, he would be. He thought this as he slipped into a coma, still holding his lover's hand in his own.


Darren woke up in upstate New York, surrounded by the sights, sounds and unpleasant smells of the farm he'd grown up on. He sat with his little sister, Dianne, bouncing on his leg, looking out across the St. Lawrence River that bordered their property and into Canada. His mother had taken him there a few times before, to Toronto, but they all spoke French and he didn't like it. Now he wished for all the world to escape there, away from all the pain he'd put up with over the years.

Just then, William pulled up in a sleek Bentley. He'd always loved Willaim; he brought Snickers bars whenever he showed up and always bought him whatever he wanted.

"Dada!!" Dianne squealed, trying to crawl off of Darren's lap. She was just beginning to crawl and talk; the first word she'd said was "Darewin."

"What's poppin', bee?" He said, arms outstretched in his suit for a hug from them both. Darren ran into his arms and tackled him down onto the gravel driveway, where he rolled quickly away from his mother's boyfriend's tickling hands and under his mom's Chrysler. He'd had to grow up quickly when his father left to be able to somewhat support the family, and now that his role was removed he was finally able to be a kid again.

"Oof~" William said, standing back up on his feet again. "How's my little pup doing?"

"Well..." Darren murmured, shuffling his Converse in the gravel. "I got into the chicken coop again..." He burped up a feather and blushed in embarrassment. .

William shook his head slowly and laughed. "Darren, you're 15. You know not to eat raw food, especially chicken. Just ask for a snack next time you're hungry."

"Okay... But I passed my exam!!" He finished, brightening up. "I get my driver's permit next week, if you take me."

"About that..." William started, lowering hiself to Darren's height to look into his eyes. "Your mother and I need to talk to you about something."

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