idk part 2 - Written by @Pokemaster03

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Gregor felt the cold wind against his face as he sat on the steps of the outside of the castle, his friends had no idea of who Aimee truly was, and the never would. They won't believe the pain she sent him through.

"Greg." Darren said behind Gregor.

"What do you want?" He replied.

"I want to talk...." Darren said.

"About what?" Gregor asked.

"Why I have my reasons to not like Aimee, well, I'll tell you...:"


It was a lonely life Gregor McEwan, he had very few friends, the ones he did have never treated him right, that is until he met Darren. Darren was one of the few people that didn't see Gregor as a useless nobody who'd never live up to his sibling's legacy, but Darren didn't see it that way. Darren saw past his family and Gregor saw past Darren's seemingly strange disorder. Gregor didn't mind though, it was nice having a friend... That is, until she showed up.


"Aimee was...." Gregor started as his friend sat down beside him. "She was using you, all of you." Gregor said. "That's impossible Greg, you know she'd never do that." Darren replied. "Do I?" He asked. "Has she given me any reason to trust her?" "Dude, chill, she never did anything to you....." Darren said. "Heh, that's what she wanted you to think, here's the truth..."


Gregor McEwan had his suspicions about Aimee, but set them aside for his friend. Darren was one of his few friends and the reason he met Grayson, Elaina, Koda, Adrianna, and..... Luca. He'd seen Luca around prior to their meeting, and kinda had a thing for her, but deep down knew there wasn't hope. It was lunch and he was a bit behind, he had to talk to a teacher about a grade, which was a B, but his parents still made him do it. He walked down to his usual lunch table as Aimee sat down right before he could reach, "Whoops, sorry, looks like there's no room for Greg..." Aimee said with a smirk. "Greg..." Koda said sensing my anger. "Nope, it's fine." Gregor said setting at the table across from them. He turned to speak with Darren as Aimee cut him off, shouting over him even though she was only a few feet away from him. They exchanged a laugh as Greg turned to face the wall. He was back to being alone.


"Greg, that was one time, let it go." Darren said. "One time?" Gregor asked. "There's way more."


It had been a week and Gregor still hadn't gotten a seat at the table, and barely gotten a few words in with his friend. Aimee still was being a, for lack of a better term, or one that could get past censors, a jerk, and Gregor decided to ask about it. "Aimee." He said. "Why do you hate me?" "I don't hate you." Aimee replied. "Yeah Greg, why'd you think that?" Luca asked. "No reason." Gregor responded. "Good, it's nice to see my friend and my GF getting along." He said as he, Luca, Koda, and Grayson took their trays, leaving Gregor and Aimee alone. She turned to Gregor.

"Look, I have all reasons to hate you." Aimee said. "What?" Gregor asked. "You're pathetic, a loser, you don't even fit in with the rest of us." "What does that mean?" He asked. "Look, Darren's dad's rich, and on top of that, befriending someone like him would boost my morality, you, you're just a tag along, so much, you don't even fit in with these outcasts, you are nothing."

"Are you saying Darren's a freak?" Gregor yelled., as Darren walked up, he came, only hearing part of Gregor's sentence. "You think I'm a freak?" Darren said looking to Gregor. "Darren..." "NO!" Darren yelled. "LEAVE ME AND MY GIRLFRIEND ALONE!!!"


It was a week since Darren and Gregor had talked. Darren, still fuming after the incident while Gregor was broken up about it. Koda had tried to explain to give Gregor a chance, but Darren refused, saying Gregor didn't deserve it. Gregor tried to approach Darren to talk to him, but Aimee wasn't having it. Every time he tried, Aimee would rat him out. Finally, Gregor got time with Darren. "What do you want?" Darren asked. "Darren, look, I know you heard some things, but you didn't hear everything that was...." "I don't care, just, let's just put this behind us." Darren said. Gregor beamed and the two shook hands.


It had been a few weeks since his argument with Aimee and it seemed things had calmed down. The two along with Koda were working on a surprise party for Darren, as, although his rage for Aimee was strong, Darren was his friend. Aimee was sending a text for Darren to come down for the party as Koda spoke "Alright guys, I gotta go for a bit, bathroom, I'll be back." He said, walking out leaving the two alone. "So, I hope things have blown over." He said. "As if." Aimee replied, picking up a stick they picked out for the flag. "What, but, I thought, I thought we had become less hating. "You wanna see how I truly feel?" She asked. She then proceeded to hit him with the stick. "Wha... why are you doing this to me?" Gregor asked. . "You are nothing, the only reason I haven't got rid of you is because Darren really seems to care about you." She proceeded to hit him even more. Gregor, enraged, grabbed the end of the stick, and snapped it in half. He pointed the half in his hand as Aimee dropped her half. Just then, the principle and Darren burst in. "Mr. McEwan, what is the meaning of this?" The Principal asked. Gregor looked down to see Aimee smile. "Seem's Darren got my text." Aimee said.

"The school board had many things on their hands at the moment of this incident, so you wanna know how they punished me?" Gregor Asked Darren on the steps of the palace. Darren, whose opinion was now ascue, looked to his tormented friend. "They just gave you detention.... Right?" Gregor Chuckled. "Detention, so that's the cover she used, no wonder you still sided with her." He said. "The School Board saw it that I would have detention, but Aimee's father, a lawyer, decided it best to settle it Eye for Eye style..." Gregor said. "Gregor...." Rarely anyone used his first name, but Darren, who was in complete shock, asked. "They gave her 20 minutes, tied me to a chair, gave her a stick, and locked the door......" Gregor said, stuttering through the sentence. "No, this is impossible.... She would never......" Gregor turned around as he started to remove his shirt, showing welts, cuts, and bruises all over his back. "Gregor..... I......" Darren started. "What was worse than the pain was the way she tormented me...... she said no one would ever care for me again..... That I'd screwed over my one shot at friendship, and that I should kiss my chances with Luca....." He started. "I...." Darren started. "You bringing her up earlier only made me remember the pain..." Gregor said. "The twisted torture she put me through." 

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