Chapter 1 ♡ Still Strong

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CREDIT: @_mrs_breezy_13_ (thank you for the idea!!)

- Chris Brown P.O.V -

"DAMN IT! Stacy, that ain't funny!"

"I-I'm sorry!"

As she laughed breathlessly in her chair I sucked on my thumb. If you're wondering, I slammed my thumb into the refrigerator and it hurt like hell. We just got done cleaning up from Amber's birthday party and I have to say, my little girl is growing up pretty quick.

So far its been 7 years since we've been married, and I have to say, its been a very fun marriage. Once we cut off all the lights, we headed up to our bed room to see the kids laying in our bed in different angles while watching t.v.

Stacy: Y'all got your own rooms, get the hell out! *crawls on bed*

Amber: *laughs*

Stacy: Shut up Amber. *pushes her*

Amber: MOM!

Stacy: *laughs* Ain't so funny now.

Me: Show her who's boss baby. *lays back on bed*

Caleb: Can you guys tell us how you both met?

Stacy: By a friend.

Me: Yea. You know, it was a year since I broke up with one of girlfriends, so, I needed a new chick.

Alana: And it so happens that mom stuck to you?

Me: Right. *thumbs up*

Stacy: We got some smart kids.

Amber: I know. *proud*

Stacy: But ALL you hoes got it from your mom, so don't forget that! *points at all*

Me: Speaking of hoes, I heard that little miss Alana has been using some bad language in class. *looks at her*

Alana: *covers face*

Me: Can you tell me what that is all about?

Alana: *runs out*

Stacy: Bad language in class? How come I didn't hear about this?!

Caleb: She didnt want to get in trouble! *laughs*

Me: Why you sitting here laughing, I should be asking you have you asked that girl out yet-*gco*


Caleb: *runs out*

Stacy: What in the world- Chris, what have you been not telling me?!

Me: Baby, don't worry about it, I can handle this.

Stacy: I'm am NOT going to let my son bring some random bitch up in this house!

Me: I know, I know, that's why I told him to think about it before he start trying to date.

Amber: *cracks up laughing*

Me: What are you laughing at!?

Amber: Mom is on a roll! *laughs*

Stacy: Why you sitting there laughing, you ought to be telling your daddy about this boy you've been talking to-*gco*

Amber: MOM!


Amber: *runs out*

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