Chapter 47 ♡ Jealous

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You stay taking pictures, pictures, so you can show them to your bitches, bitches, so you can make them jealous. Now I know where your head is.


"Let me call you back, I just made it home." I said in the phone to Diggy, as made my way up the drive way. This house had a different vibe from the last time. Maybe because I haven't been here in awhile...

I unlocked the front door and closed it back, sitting my keys down on the little table we had near the door.

"You better not forget." He said, yawning, making me smile.

"I won't."


I sucked my teeth. I'm not good with promises, but I can attempt to keep this one maybe. "I promise." I said.

"Remember if I don't get a call, we gone have problems."

"You ain't gone do anything but okay." I said rolling my eyes, hearing him laugh on the end. He okay too much.

I soon hung up the phone. Sticking my phone in my pocket, I quickly made my way up the steps to head to me and Chris"s room. It seems like its been forever since I been in this house.

Walking into the room, I saw the room was left the way we left it. I sat my course down on the dresser and slid my phone in my owns pocket. I but on the room light, and headed right into the closet to see if I could find Caleb's shoes. He always leave his Shit around.

Just like Chris.

I shook my head and laughed to myself.

As I went through my closet, I looked through Chris's side, since I highly doubt it was on my side. After a couple minutes of looking, I then switched to my side and searched.

Within only a minute, I noticed a smell that lingered on some of my clothes. I pulled back and looked at the dress that it was on. I then smelled it again, confirming it wasn't my scent and It wasn't the smell of Chris nor the kids for sure.

"The hell..." I mumbled to myself and smelled the rest of my clothes. Whose scent is this? I looked out the door of my closet and seeing my bed all neat. Too neat. Knowing if Chris made the bed, it wouldn't be that perfect.

I walked out of my closet, and sniffed onto the pillow and mattress getting that same unknown scent.

"This is so weird.." I looked around my room to only here movement downstairs. I paused in my tracks, almost holding my breath to see what that sound was or maybe I was hearing things.

I walked over to my doorway quickly and quietly, and peaked out seeing a shadow coming up my steps.


I shut my room door quickly and grabbed a bat that Chris kept b3hinf the door that Chris kept to keep Caleb from messing with him while he slept. Slipping down on the floor, I wait patiently for the intruder to make my way so I can knock his ass out.

"Stacy, you here!?" A familiar voice yelled.

I laid my hand over my chest breathing in relief. I didn't realize I was holding in my breath. It was only Trey.

"I'm in here." I answered, opening my door and seeing Trey himself smiling.

"Well look at you."

"You're  here because?" I asked, shaking my head at his cockiness, crossing my arms.

"Chris wanted me to check up on you." He said, clearing his throat.

"What's with that bat?" He asked. I looked down in my hand noticing I still had it. "My bad,you scared me at first." I answered it, sitting it to the side.

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