Chapter 33 ♥ Taking Chances

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Shoutout to PweedieMary and Nisi_Babii 💕


Sipping my drink, I went through my lap top, going through emails and what not, enjoying the peace and quiet around the house. Me time. Drinking all my drink this time, I sat my cup down and grabbed the bottle to pour some more in the cup...until I saw my phone vibrate on the table.

"Hey baby girl." I said answering the phone.

"Hey.." She said softly.

"Wassup?" I questioned, clicking on a file.

"Uh, nothing much..whatcha doing?"

"Going through emails and stuff."

"Oh, okay..."

She's hesitating.

"You good?" I questioned, a little concerned about her.

"Yeah, I was just checking on you." She said.

"Don't lie to me Stacy."

"I'm not."

"Mhm.." I said, holding the phone with my shoulder to my ear, reaching for the glass and bottle. "What are you doing?" I asked her.

"Just relaxing on the couch." I heard her shuffle some. "Well what you doing this Friday?" I asked.

"Probably nothing. How come?"

"There's this party at Planet 9, and I was wondering...if maybe, you would like to come?" I asked, a little nervous.

"Sure, I wouldn't mind." I slightly smiled at her answer. That girl is my baby. She's my little Royalty (😉). I could feel myself let out of sigh of relief. "Great. See you at 8?"


"Now don't you play no games Stacy."

"I'm not! I'll come, I'm positive."

I slightly chuckled. "I see you didn't say promise." I pointed out.

"Well, something might come up." She said.

"Nah, nothing won't, Imma make sure of that."

"Well, I promise I will show up." She said and I slightly smiled.

"Okay. But if I don't see you there, I'm coming after you." I said playfully to her and I could feel her roll her eyes at me. I heard a sudden knock on the door and I quickly hopped up from the couch, sitting the computer on the couch. "Hold on baby." I said, answering the door.

"My nigga!"

"Wassup, Wassup."

I gave August a handshake and Tyga a dab. "What y'all fools want? I said sitting back on the couch and they followed inside, shutting the door behind them.

"Shit nothin'." Aug said plopping down on the couch.

"You going to the Planet 9 club Friday?" Ty asked heading into the kitchen. "You already know." I said. "What about y'all?"

"Most definitely." Aug said, on his phone.

"Stacy." I said on the phone.

"Hm?" I heard her crunching on something making me chuckle. "What's so funny?" She asked all clueless.  "What you eating on?" I asked.

"What you trynna say?" She asked.

"Nothing, I was just asking." I heard her crunch some more. "I'm eating gram crackers."

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