Chapter 38 ♥ Play Me

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As we literally made a 360° turn, making a left, I almost flipped out my seat. This idiot is crazy taking me on one of his races. How the hell does he not panic about having a wreck or something? This shit, I can't do.

We sped through an alley, with Trey in front of us, Chris behind him, ans Tyga at the end. I reached for my seat belt and quickly put it on as we made it back on the free way.

"When I say jump, you grab the wheel." Chris informed, pulling up by Trey's care.

"W-why would I want to-DAMN IT!" I yelled as I saw how close August came passing my side of the car. My nerve is too bad for this, make this my last time riding with him for a while and that's a promise. Chris slid down his window, the same for Trey.

"Leave some space between you Aug, Me and Ty gone line up on sides in the center!" He yelled, while keeping his eyes on the rode. "I'll flag you down when his window August's window is down also!"

"How would I know to get out the window?!" Chris yelled back.

"I blink my light twice!" Trey answered. Chris nodding letting back up his window and Trey zoomed off.

You telling me this nigga is about to throw my phone out his damn window? This has to be some joke. He is seriously playing a dangerous game. Reckless at that.  Chris soon slowed down his driving behind August, and I released some tension in my muscles.

But I did that a little to soon and a little too late.

Within only a few minutes, Trey flicked his light twice, and Chris let down his window.

"Get ready Stacy." He said and I unbuckled my seat belt. I was speechless and pissed. August was going too damn far, Chris can get killed doing shit like this.

"Chris, I think we just stop and let him him have the phone-"

"Trust me on this one Stacy." He said, slowing up, and getting ready to lift his body out the window.


"Trust me." He said, more of like a command. I sighed, and just kept quiet. He pressed the gas a little more, getting closer to August in no time. Trey held out his arm, with the three fingers in the air and August waving my phone out.

"Ready?" He asked. Looking at me and I slightly nodded, sitting up in my seat. Trey's fingers slowly counted down and my heart was beating in my chest hard, my mind filled with the possible outcomes. This could be good or bad.


I quickly grabbed the wheel, getting it under my control and Chris hung out the window. August let go of my phone, but that's only before I noticed and sign hanging down.



He ducked and the next thing I know is, gun fire came out of nowhere.

Fuck it.

I grabbed Chris by his shirt pulling him into the passenger seat and I took control of drivers seat. Once the car shifted, I sped up past August, seeing the bullets were coming from behind us in the rearview mirror. Tyga soon sped up too along with Trey catching up with me.

I turned at a 90° angle, and hit the breaks, making the car turn, but soon at a complete stop. Bullets continued to fly nonstop. Chris pulled me down on top of him, wrapping his arms around my me and holding me close.

After a good 5 minutes, they stopped. It was dead silent. I let out a sigh of relief when I heard Ty call out to me and Chris.

"That was some bullshit, we could have gotten killed!" Trey exclaimed anger in his voice. I got off top of Chris and he tossed me my phone sitting up. I looked up at him, and he looked at me.

Can't Stop Loving You: Chris Brown (Book 2 )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon