Chapter 23 ♡ A Overreacting Chris

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"What about blue shoes?"

"Why blue?"

"You don't want all black now do you?"

He thought for a minute. "True." He said "Gotta add a little color." He said and I nodded.

While I finished up my 3D design of an outfit, Chris sat down beside me and helped me pick out the jewelry and everything.

When there was a knock on the door, Chris yelled come in, but I didn't look up right away.

"What the fuck you doing here?!"

My head instantly shot up to see Jeremih at the door.

"Can't stop by to say Hi?" He said.

"No you can't, you're not allowed to talk too my wife so leave." Chris said.

"What if your wife wants to talk to me?"

"She doesn't so once again, leave."

"Aye man, I suggest you control ya boy now Stacy."

"Hey!" I said trying to at least get a word in. "You two need to calm the hell down." I said standing up. "What is it?" I said turning to Jeremih.

"I was just checking on you."

"Well I'm fine, but thank you." I said.

"Yeah but I don't think your man is."

I could feel Chris glare at him and I sighed. "Well I think you should leave." I said.

"That's what I just said." I heard Chris mumbled. Instead of Jeremih, just listening and doing what I asked, he focuses his attention on Chris.

"Got something to say?"

"I've actually said it twice." Chris said. "Leave. Simple."

"And if I don't?"

"My nigga we got problems." And I know Chris was dead serious. When I heard him get up off the couch, I panicked. I quickly put my body in front of his and grabbed his two wrists and wrapped his arms around me.

I don't want anybody to get into a fight, especially now. I don't know what the hell's been going on with these two, but they need to calm that shit down before they have problems with me because I ain't having that mess. Already have enough to deal with.

"Chris stop." I said sternly. "Unloosen your hands." I told him and he didn't. "Do I have to tell you twice?" I asked him. He unloosened them a little but I wanted it all the way.

"Unloosen them fully Chris." I said and he did as told. "Don't you say shit." I said through gritted teeth to Jeremih. I knew he wanted to say something to push Chris's buttons.

"I honestly think you should leave."

"But I wanted to talk to you about something-"

"Well its going to have to wait." I said.

"She said its going to have to wait." Chris said repeating what I said.

"Look I'm not talking to you."

"But I'm talking to you."

"What the hell is your problem with me?!"

"You know exactly what the fuck you did, so therefore don't act like you don't know."

"Look bruh, you can lower your tone. You don't want to upset you wife now, do you?"

"Keep Stacy out of this for one." He said slipping out of my grip some. Oh lord Jesus. "Second, don't even think about trying me today." He said now literally getting out of my grip. He walked up to Jeremiah literally face to dace except he was taller.

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