Chapter 36 ♥ Playing Your Part

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{ Next Morning9:30 a.m


Once Nana walks out the door and pulled off, I hopped out my car and began walkin' up ta' her door. I felt around in my pockets and unlocked the door, walkin' in, and lightly shuttin' it, not wantin' Stacy ta' hear anything.

I walked through the house peakin' around, tryin' ta' see who and what I can find, and get an idea of makin' my move.

Live life like if I

Want I do if I

Want love I get it

Stack my deck like I

Ain't gone lose like a

Victim forget it

I hear music slightly playin' from the back of the house and ya' know a nigga had ta' check it out. I walked down the hallway, and up the stairs, followin' the music, that got louder by the second. I walked to the walk way of the next hall and saw a door open.

I smirked.

Walkin' in, I saw a phone on the bed, so I grabbed it and put it in my pocket, and walked in the bathroom, seein' Miss Stacy herself, cleanin' out the tub.

"Need help?"

She turned her head, and squinted her eyes at me, and then proceeded ta' rinse the tub out, turnin' her attention back ta' the tub.

"Stingy ass." I mumbled, turnin' down the music.

"Shut up." She said

"Or what?"

"What do you want Alsina?"

"Exactly, ain't gone do shit." I said, pressin' her buttons on purpose. She huffed after finishin' the tub and then walkin' over ta' the sink.

"So you want me ta' help or nah?"

"And what type of help do you have in mind?" She raised an eyebrow, and I slightly bit my lip. My type of girl.

"Helpin' you get that attitude straight, fa' one." I said. I made my way towards her and she pushed me back some. "Don't come near me." She stated and I shrugged, and kept my distance...fa' now.

"Yes ma'am."

I stood there, exaimin' her. The way those jeans fitted, her plain grey t-shirt that fitted loosely on her; hair was up in a bun, and she had on no make up. Cute ass.

"Stacy." I called her name, and she looked up at me in the mirror at my reflection. I winked at her and she rolled her eyes. I chuckled, seein' her shake her head. 

"Such a flirt." She said.

"Don't act like ya' don't like it."

She scrunched up her nose. "Who said I did?"

"You damn sho' didn't say ya' didn't."

"And I damn sho' didn't say I did."

I saw her eyes glarin' at me through the mirror and I gave a smile. She can stop that silly shit with the attitude. I know fa' a fact she is attracted ta' me. She just scared ta' cross that line, since she is married. But that doesn't matter, what her and Chris got is not my business, and what me and her got is not his business. Fair enough.

As she wiped off the counter, I walked up behind her, and wrapped my arms around her, pullin' her near me, placin' my head in her neck.

"August, no..." She stopped what she doin' and pushed me off a little.

Can't Stop Loving You: Chris Brown (Book 2 )Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant