Chapter 28 ♡ A Breaking Flame? (4/4)

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{ That Night. }


After putting the kids away for bed, I walked down the stairs to see Chris on the couch watching t.v...well attempting to. He was halfway alseep. I walked over to him and tapped him on his shoulder causing him to jerk awake.

"I'm up!" He said in a husky type of voice.

I shook my head. "You can sleep in the bed if you want.." I offered. I honestly don't want him on the couch.

"Nah, I'm good. You need your space." He mumbled putting his head back on the pillow.

"You sure?" I asked.

"Positive." He said closing his eyes. "I've caused you enough pain." He mumbled.

I pressed my lips together. Maybe I was overreacting just a tad bit too much.

Did I?

I shrugged. "Okay.." I said softly and began to leave the living room. While I headed back up the to my room, everything was just a blur to me. Why did things turn left so quickly though?

Chris doesn't want to tell me anything, so I'll probably never know unless he manages to slip out a keyword, like he did earlier this morning. Like the rest.

Hell, he meant something by that and he doesn't want to tell anybody for some reason. I'm his wife and he won't even tell me. For better or worse right? Till death do us part; the death of a marriage if you think about it.

But then again, I respect his privacy, so I'm not going to be so judgemental. I can somewhat understand his point of view of things.

I sighed in confusion and walked into the room while shutting the door behind me, afraid this could be the end.


( Next Morning )


I groaned and pulled the covers over my head, yet to hear that raspy voice again and someone shake me.

"Stacy, get up. Nana's here."

I rolled over in bed to see it was 6:00 in the morning and to the smell of axe/old spice type of mixture. Chris must just took a shower. "Water's hot." He said throwing on a hoodie. I yawned and stretched, loosing my muscle up a little and hopped up.

I slept the whole night surprisingly.

"You okay?" I asked him before walking into the bathroom.

He nodded his head. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"How was your sleep?"

"It was okay. Yours?"

"Pretty good."

He nodded. "How are you feeling?

"I'm good."

"That's nice."

I nodded and walked into the bathroom to do my hygiene. I hope things don't stay this akward between us for long. He seems to be taking me leaving to the heart right now.

While the shower water ran, I undressed myself and put on a shower cap, grabbed me a wash cloth and hopped in, let the hot/warm water hit my skin. It seems to wash all my worries and doubts away as they form and maybe give me some hope.

But hope could never come into my mind without Konie's ungrateful ass popping up.

That bitch has to go or learn her lesson before I do something I know will possibly get me sent to hell instead of heaven.

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