Chapter 00|Prologue

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"Jake, my boy." I turned around and sighed, Eric was standing at my bedroom door.

"Hey, Eric." I replied. I looked back into the mirror and started adjusting my tie.

My parents were dead, both of them. There had been a bad rogue attack and my mother was too weak to fight; she was killed first and then the rage of losing his mate—my father fell close behind leaving our pack to be taken over.

Luckily but too late to save our leaders but also just in time a neighboring pack got the SOS email and ran over. They killed off the rogues but my parents were already dead and now they were to be buried beside each other in the graveyard.

"How are you holding up?" He asked, walking over to me and spinning me around.

"Fine I guess." I lied, my father once said a true man didn't talk about his feelings.

"Your father was a fool." Eric said, I raised my eyebrow realized I said that out loud.

"He was right." I replied with a shrug, being 15 was hard enough.

"Your father re-thought that statement when he met your mother, and when he had you—each time he cried like a baby." Eric said which a chuckle, I rolled my eyes.

"Maybe his rules were a little dumb, but I honestly don't want to share how I feel." I spoke honestly, I didn't want to share.

"Understandable." He smiled, my dad and him were close.

He told me about everything, I was surprised to find out how amazing my dad was when he was younger. Eric was younger than my dad by only 3 years, my dad was 33, while Eric was only 30.

Eric had a daughter, my dad constantly blabbed about her when he was alive. According to him, she was a prankster since birth, but I had never met her or at least I don't remember ever meeting her.

Eric was expected to take over the pack, it was in my father's will until I became of age. I already knew what was happening, I knew he was going to send me to Y.A.P.A (Young Alphas Preparation Academy) which was to prep young alphas whose parents died and left them in charge.

Alphas don't get their full abilities till their 18th birthday, they are not weak at all. They just get alpha command, more strength and the ability to lead better along with the tattoo which is the rank of alpha they are.

I had learned all this in school yet even that didn't seem like enough for me to stay, I knew this was what my father wanted but even at 15 I didn't want to leave my pack or my home.

"You'll do great there Jake." Eric said as we walked down the stairs.

"I really wish I didn't have to attend." I replied as we walked towards the graveyard.

"They will be proud of you for taking this step, and when you become the true alpha of the pack I promise it'll feel different," Eric said, I nodded.

The service sent chills down my spine, watching the pack sob at the loss of my parents caused me literal pain. Looking at the wooden caskets with their wolves carved into them shook my soul, I missed them so much. Waking up since they died had been so hard, my mom didn't yell at me for being late for school and my dad didn't push me to do better.

It was lonely, I didn't make friends or get close to the pack and I should have. Maybe I wouldn't be alone in the time I needed somebody who understood most of all, I looked around and the dark cloud that surrounded my pack was ripping at my heart.

Would they hate me for leaving, I was their rightful alpha yet I had to leave them in the darkest moment of their lives. I was leaving them without my strength, or my parents and I hoped when I returned they still respected me like they did when my parents boasted about me.

"The cars waiting" Eric said, I threw the dirt on their caskets.

"No rest for the grieving, eh?" I asked with a sad smile,

"I wanted you to stay for a couple more days but the school is choking me to get you there." Eric groaned, running his hand through his hair.

"It's alright, is my stuff packed." I responded saying goodbye to my parent's grave.

"They said you don't need anything." Eric said, I gave him a look and shrugged.

"Alright then..." I said we walked to the black car just waiting for me.

The dude on the phone looked annoyed, he pointed to me in a come here motion probably wanting me to hurry up so we could leave.

"Man you'll do great Jake." Eric said I sighed.

"I hope so, I guess this is goodbye." I spoke softly, I wasn't ready.

"No Jake, see you later." Eric laughed and I smiled.

He was just like my dad.

"See you later Eric." I said with a smile, I got in the car.

I felt the car drive, I waved and I felt the connection snap like a rubber band because I was out of distance. I felt the loneliness hit me like a truck, the comfort I felt inside the pack was gone and I was surrounded by emptiness I had never felt before. There was no pack link, no whispers, no accidentally giggles.

It was silent, and I knew this was my life for the next 3 years but a part of me didn't know if I could handle it.

I would become a better alpha, for them.

HMMM, What do you think? Doesn't Jake sound different, he's 15 and going away. I thought I'd change some things around, but hopefully, it still makes you guys happy.

I want him to actually be an Alpha, I want him to actually do stuff for his pack and I want to actually show you what he does during the book while also keeping up with all the bullshit that happened in the original copy.

Hopefully, you keep reading.

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