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4 months Later...

4 months Later

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I was empty it had been about 4 months since she died, and the funeral for Ariel was absolutely beautiful and I cried so much when they lowered her into the ground.

My hatred towards my mate was beyond breaking point; he didn't even stick around to be at the funeral. My parents told me he helped stop my enrage and that he had to leave. He didn't have to do anything; he chose to take this job and stay away from me for years.

He left his own pack in need; and now we were broken wondering why our Alpha wasn't here to show us that he loved his pack member just as much as we did.

I hadn't been able to focus at all, I had been out partying and drinking anything I could find but I made sure not to cause any damaged to the pack or harm anybody.

I wasn't that girl anymore; but I still needed a release with my best friend being dead and there being nobody for me to talk too. I looked at the butterfly tattoo every day and cried; how dare she leave me.

"Hey." A voice spoke; I turned from my drinking spot to see Linkin.

I had met him at a party and he had become my sad companion, he was always there for me. We didn't talk much during school or anywhere else but at night outside the pack area in a secluded place.

We drank, we smoked and we talked about pretty much everything. We told secrets and shared things, but we were friends. Sad and broken friends who didn't know what to do with themselves, he had his reasons and I had mine.

"I want you to be my first." I told him one night, he knew I had a mate.

"Your mate?" He asked, I rolled my eyes.

"He has probably screwed more people than I have fingers." I replied, I was high and drunk.

"True, you sure?" He slurred, just as drunk and high as I was.

"Yup." I told him and removed my shirt, he smirked.

We both were idiots, we only knew about sex because of health class but even they told us to wait for our mates but if you didn't—that was your decision. We were also told you could get pregnant, but your baby had 30% chance at living because it wouldn't be your mates baby.

We fell in love, not the type of love you have with your mate but the type of love you have with somebody when your broken and sad. They type of love that feels right, and it works because everything else is going wrong.

His Young Spitfire| 18+Where stories live. Discover now