Chapter 1

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Earlier In The Future

I keep trying to tell myself that I'm just jealous of Walker Sloan's progress. It was only five years ago that he arrived at the doors of Alchemax, Talking about harnessing energy from the fourth dimension. Now he won't stop until he's running the whole place. I've seen and know the type of person he is, He's thinking beyond Alchemax. Aiming towards something who knows what? He's the exact type of energy corporate monster I've sworn to rein in. Especially if he's messing with time travel, The year 2099 might not be much of what people think it is but it's all mine, and he isn't gonna change it.

For a while, I know he's been siphoning Alchemax resources into converting some type of Gateway in the old virtual unreality lab into something else. I've always been trying to talk with him, but he has no time for Alex O'Hara, but people make time for Spider-Woman.

I sneaked my way into the air ducts, just using the convenient access into the ventilation system to get inside... And then Walker and I can have a *nice* chat. Whatever Sloan is up to... I got to find out and shut it down before he gets in over head of himself, And drags everyone and everything down with him. While crawling my way into Alchemax's ventilation system to keep following Sloan, "I see they've been keeping busy in the cybernetics division. That's a lot of shockin' robots down there." Caught my attention for a second but right now I need to keep my focus on Sloan. Later, During the day as Alex O'Hara, Alchemax geneticist & wife to Miguel O'Hara (or known as Spider-Man 2099). Now I could've walked my way into Alchemax but the situation wouldn't work, but they might've got the security protocols just activated.

"The Genetics lab, without that department, I wouldn't be the Woman I am today." Looking back down on the department without it, I wouldn't be the Spider-Woman 2099 that I am nowadays, I still remember that the accident that caused me and Miguel to have spider powers. Finally reached to see Sloan and his hologram lackey, Joseph, talking below, "There you are." I glared, "Holographic assistant online, how many I serve you, Mr. Sloan?" Joseph greeted, "Hello, Joseph. Run final check and initial security bio scans." You got be shockin' kidding me, shock it, Joseph began. I got to pass these scans, but like Sloan, of course he wants to make sure no one's following him, coward. I got past all of the bio scans, for now anyways... I continued to follow Sloan and Joseph, as I was overhearing them, "Alchemax should be thanking me, Stark-Fujikawa industries is going to take over the entire corporation unless someone steps up to prevent it." "You're the only one who thinks outside the box enough to do it, sir." Thank him? Knowing he can do more? No not ever going to happen, Sloan. Joseph is only a hologram programmed by Sloan just to praise and admire him, no one from 2099 or Alchemax needs to be thanking this lunatic, "Yes, Joseph. I know." No shock that Sloan knows that about himself, "Really, Does he know" I whispered. "I knew he was up to something." Still following his trail, "I'm also embarrassed it took me so long to come up with it. I simply go back in and launch Alchemax years before it was originally founded. Not only I can remake Alchemax in my image.", "But you can dismantle Stark-Fujikawa before it gets started. You're a genius." I wouldn't call him that, I would call him another crazy psychotic monster who wants power, but yet of course you need your programmed hologram lover to tell you that, you crazy lunatic, "Of course, The CEO wouldn't want me to have the degree of power... She's all about power... But she won't have anything to say about it, by the time I'm done." Sloan explained. Now it's time to find his secret project, "Yep. He's heading for his research lab, all right."

As I entered the Gateway room, Something caught my attention, Sloan sinking into the Gateway, "Get back here!" I swung into the Gateway, but I got in and it was holding me back. I struggled but I noticed something that shocked me right then and there.

Parker Rogers, The original Spider-Woman getting killed at the Gateway, "NO!" I shouted. I fell back out of the Gateway, Landing on my feet. I looked at the Gateway. Heavily breathing as I had just witnessed, I couldn't believe it, "It's changed. Everything's changed. But... It didn't start here. It started back then... back around... Parker Rogers's time... and sh-she can't fix it. Because she's going to be dead."

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