Chapter 9

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"Total cellular regeneration complete in 3... 2... 1... Regeneration complete, you are fully healed, Ms. Rogers. "Auto computer system voice said, as it opened up the pod I was in, I climbed out of it. Feeling slightly dizzy... light-headed... "Room... Spinning..." I groaned, "I can barely stand... Where am I?" "You're in 2099, Rogers. The cellular regenerator healed you." "I hope my medical insurance covers that..." Seriously I feel like I'm going to be passing out in any second, I literally can barely walk but still wobbly... "Focus, Rogers. We have to test the Gateway. Toss something small into it." Alex told me, I groaned again, "C'mon, O'Hara... Doesn't coming back from the dead... entitle me to a breather?" I whined for a second, "We need to see if the Gateway's established, Every second that..." "Okay, Okay! Okay... Fine, I'm on it." I interrupted her, I started to feel better, less dizzy and wobbly, still a little pain but I'm fine, well... for the most part. I headed back to the Gateway Room, I found a small piece of junk and picked it up and faced infront of the Gateway, "Imma toss a piece of junk to see if the Gate's working one way. Incoming!" Letting her know as I threw it into the Gateway, "It came through! Perfect!" Alex responded back, knowing she probably catched it, figures, "Plus, I'm feeling like my old self. Strength and everything." I stretched a little, yeah feeling a lot better than before, "Yeah, well, Good thing the cellular regenerator had your DNA on record." "Good. Stand back.", "Wait! The return circuits are fried." He warned, with a warning of caution, "I won't be able to come through even if you set it up on your end."

"I'll be stuck here." She pointed out, and so would I, "So, Fix it." "I can't. The technology doesn't exist here yet. You need to find the repair parts on your side and then send them through! I'll guide you where they are." Sounds like a good plan, let's hope it works out in the end. Out of nowhere a tentacle popped up and hit me from above, what the- "GAH! What the heck is that?!" "What happened?" "I'm looking at a tentacle the size of a buick!" "Yeah! Something like that came at me when the Gateway first got overloaded." Well at least, I'm not the only one who has seen it, "It looked like one of those mechanical tentacles that Otto Octavius uses in his research... But really messed up..." "Look, Watch out for them. There may be more." "Believe me, Whatever's trying to kill me at anytime; There's always more, So where to?" I asked, "Get to the Hydroponic jungle. You'll find what you need there." A jungle? Seriously? Why in the world would-? Ah whatever, I got it. I walked back into the medical bay, and then I noticed more of those tentacles, blocking my way. Come on... "These freaking tentacles keep blocking my way." "Well, That's interesting." Sarcasm coming from Alex, well yippy for you, "I am so glad you can maintain your scientific detachment and why are time Gateway repair parts in a jungle?", "Just trust me, Okay?", "Trust me, Says the voice in my head. You know, This is how serial killers get started." I need to get the heck out of here soon, but then something struck me, the glowy center point must be they're weakness if I am guessing here, which I am. I aimed my webs at it, and I was right, it's they're weak point, "The claw-end of the tentacle where the joints are... That's probably the weak point." Huh... Weird but interesting... Nevermind, Focus Rogers. I began making my way to the Hydroponic jungle, "When you acquire the parts, keep them separated. Otherwise you can wind up with a sort of energy feedback." Alex warned, and I'm now kinda curious what that feedback could be probably nothing good, "OK what sort do you mean?" "The explosive sort." You gotta be kidding me, "Oh, Fantastic..." I groaned, "By the way... Thanks for bringing me back from the dead. Now I know how my dad feels... And Jean Grey... And Colossus... And...--" "Just don't die and we'll call it even." Agreed. I'm almost close to the jungle until something happened, something changed, "O'HARA!!! What just happened?! What is that?!?!" "What are you talking about?", "I had a nice easy path in front of me and it just became an obstacle course.", "Welcome to my world, Literally. You're seeing quantum causality in action." What? Then I overhead a little chuckle from Alex, it's not funny, "Weird. So you can help me from the present." "Which present? You're in my present, You mean your present or my present future?" "I hate you." I let out a sigh, but on the path close to the jungle again. Pray no changes, "Okay, I'm almost there. Now what?" I asked, "Okay, There are three rooms in the Hydro Jungle. You'll find an energy regular in each one. Take the part that looks like an atomic battery." WAIT, HOLD A FREAKIN' SECOND-- "ATOMIC?!?!" I freaked, "It'll be fine. As long as you remember that they're fragile and if they touch you--", "And if they touch each other, I'm in danger, I get it." Alright, Let's do this. Lord, I pray to god please don't let me die again... I went room to room grabbing the parts for the Gateway after taking down strike force reinforcements of 2099, but I have the parts, "Okay, I got the parts. I'm heading back to the Gateway Room." I began heading over there until more of those freakin tentacles came back, "Dang it! O'Hara! The suicide squid's back and it just annihilated my way out." Until I noticed there's another way, "Or maybe not... Looks like it opened up a different path." "I hope you're being careful with those parts." Alex told me, of course I-- Something went wrong, Oh, man... "Uh... O'Hara, Remember you said to keep those parts separate? Let's just say, Just for the sake of argument... That didn't work out." Today really isn't my day.

"Just how a big bang are we talking about?" I asked her, since I am scared for my life right about now, "It'll crater the city. Why are you ask... Wait... Don't tell me..." "Is there any way to reverse it?" "Not for you, There isn't!" Alex snapped at me once again. Smooth, Rogers, Really smooth... "Get em' to the Gateway as fast as you can!" Alex instructed, Okay I get it. I'm rushing as quickly as I can until those freakin' tentacles, ugh, Can't something of my day can go right? Just once! "If I can't get pass them in time... That smells like a sewer in here... Better keep moving..." Until a mysterious unknown voice chimed in the background, "My, My, My A blast from the past. Such an active little spider brings back so many memories. You aren't supposed to be here, You know." That voice sounds like... but it can't be, no... "That voice... That voice! It sounds like... but it couldn't be..." No time, Rogers, I got to-- "The security systems told me you're here and you've been very, very, naughty. But you just keep running around spinning your webs, Little spider.. I'll be right with you. So we can relive old times." Please, I'm praying I'm wrong about who this is, "Must be the speakers distorting it. By the way, Who builds speakers in the sewers anyway? What's up with that?" Strange, Alright, I'm finally back to the Gateway; "I'm in the Gateway room." "Alright, throw me the parts through! One at a time!" She instructed once again. Okay, I threw the first part, waited for a few seconds, Then the second part and repeated the same process and did again the third and final part, "Passing em' through the time stream should reverse the energy build up! But if you toss them in together, It'll trigger the--" "Okay, I get it!" I cutted her off, "We got any clue why Otto's tentacle keeps coming out of nowhere?" "He may still be alive between dimensions and trying to get out." "Or drag us in!"

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