Chapter 6

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"Andi, You're responsible for the explosions?" I asked, standing in front of her, "Trying to... Blow you up..." She sounded distraught, still struggling within her voice I could tell, "If you were really trying, You'd have done it. What's going on, Andi?!" "Kill you... NOW!" She quickly straight up attacked me, I tried to fight back but yet nope... didn't work. She picked me up and I noticed she's trying to drain my powers, I got to find a way out of this. Then I noticed the ceiling fan above the both of us, I shot web lines onto the fan and pulled it down on Anti She-Venom. She dropped me and fled. "What's happening there, Rogers?" Alex chimed in, "Anti She-Venom is fighting herself more than she is me." I noticed, "Subcutaneous control chips would do the job. How dangerous IS this girl?" , "She drains my powers on contact and she's invisible to my spider sense." "Terrific. Where are you now? And can you avoid Anti She-Venom?" She asked, Well sure I can but except there's mainly a 75% chance than Anti She-Venom can come out of nowhere and just attack because I can notice, So-- "Sixty-sixty floor and yeah, maybe I could avoid her. Plus if her explosions bring the building down, People from blocks around will be killed." That's something I can't take the odds of what can happen. And I don't want that to happen either way.

Finally caught up to Anti She-Venom, "Andi! You're being controlled! Fight it!" "Fight you... Instead..." She pulled out another bomb and threw it at me. She was lucky that it ended up blowing up at me and I fell back, ow... but I quickly got back up on my feet. Geez, that was hurtful and painful at the same time. Ouch, Nevermind. I looked again and around there was no Anti She-Venom in sight, again. Ran off, I let out a sigh, "She took off again." I said, then I overheard Alex, "Yeah, if only you do the same." , "O'Hara, If you don't get that I can't turn my back on danger, no matter what the cost, Then you got no business calling yourself Spider-Woman." "Wow, I'm hurt. Guess what else I am? Still alive! Let's hope you keep saying the same." Really getting on my nerves and is it working? Oh, It's working alright.

I continued to look for Anti She-Venom. Didn't see her until she attacked me from behind or who knows above? Eh who knows like I said, "We've been a lot of things to each other, Andi. But you've never been anyone's patsy." I quickly dodged her next attack, Then Alex finally decided to chime in, "Oh good, Stand there and call her names. Great plan." "Maybe I should make myself scarce; Andi listen! You've got a chip inside you that's making you do this!" I'm really trying to help her and make her convinced that it's the truth but knowing my luck... "Just making it... Easier..." She sucker punched me, I fell back to the ground. "The longer that thing's in you, the more it's rewiring your thinking!" "No... no, It's... Can't..." She struggled and ran off again.

I got back up off the ground, I heard another explosion went off, great... "Rogers, What are you doing? Because it's causing major problems here!" Oh boy, "I've got to get the atomic energy regulators out of the way, so they're not destroyed." "So... I'm in danger of frying from radiation because... of explosions on your end?" Unfortunate, yeah... "Hey, You're the one who told me about Quantum Causality!" "Yeah well... Now I'm telling you to fix it." Alex said, great "Sheesh, what a grouch." Seriously, she doesn't need to be all snippy and mad about all of this but she is right about something. I got hurry and fixed all of this before she could die from radiation back in 2099. I made my way quickly over to the first regulator, and shut it down, "Okay, O'Hara. The first regulator is safe!" , "The radiation level's dropping but... It's not going to last forever." She continued to sound like she was still struggling. C'mon Rogers got hurry, I swung my way over to the second regulator, trying to get there quickly. "Just give me a minute to take care of the other two regulators." , "A minute's about all I have." Crud, I hurry over to the second regulator and shut it off, Now onto the third regulator and I hope the final one. Gotta, Hurry Rogers can't let Alex die. I made it to the third regulator, I tried to shut it off but it was stuck, oh great "Uh-oh." This is a problem... "What do you mean 'uh-oh'?" Alex asked, I noticed if I pulled down the door before the fire and everything it could it the last regulator shut down. I shot web lines on the door and pulled it down. It was difficult but I managed to pull it down and the third regulator was shut down for good. I'm praying please let Alex still be alive after this, "O'Hara! Tell me you're okay!" "Better than okay. I'm back up to full strength." I let out a sigh, that's a relief.

"I hate to admit it, But this whole Quantum Causality thing is... Actually pretty effective." "Oh, Glad you approve." Alex answered back, sarcastically, "You know, For something that makes no freaking sense at all." I pointed out. Not the time right now. I am making my way to the Gateway room now. Entering into the Gateway Room, I walked around, looked around and there I saw Andi She-Venom behind me, I knew I felt I was being watched, "Back off, Andi! You're not a puppet! Fight the puppet master, Not me!" "Difficult... For me... to..." Sounding distraught, holding her head. I took a couple steps closer to her.

"You don't know what you're doing!" , "I know enough... You have to die..." "Or we both can live!" "You think... You're so much better... Then I am... Acting like... You're so worried about me..." I'm never better than anyone, I'm not self-centered. I actually care and worry about her right now like I care about other lives too, "I'm worried about what you'll do to other people... And yeah, to me. But if you can fight it..." "She can't. Trust me." Voice out of nowhere said until I looked over my shoulder to find a man alongside Dr. Octavius I'm guessing this must be Walker Sloan, the man Alex was going on about. I turned over to face his direction, taking a few steps over to him. "Ah yeah, I always trust people who are trying to kill me. So you're the head lunatic. We haven't been properly introduced: I'm the girl... Who's going to stop your plans." "Good luck with that. Anti She-Venom. Finish her." He ordered her, "Can't... Can't..." She is trying to resist but I can something going bad is going to happen in a second, "Impressive resistance, but activating all the control chips... releasing your more beastial side, should do the trick." Oh boy. I looked back at Andi. Oh, It got a whole lot worse. She got bigger and I'm betting even stronger, Today really isn't my day... But I got to do this, so I was ready to fight.

As we both fought, I can tell she's a lot more powerful and stronger than she was before, "What's going on?!" Alex decided to finally chime in, perfect timing... "I'm taking care of Andi!" Even though I'm struggling at that., "That's the last thing you want to do! If you lose--" "how about you stop talking! Cause distracting me is not helping!" I interrupted, "If you survive this, I may kill you myself." Alex snapped back at me. Yeah good luck with that since technically you're from the future. I had a chance to do something, I grabbed Anti She-Venom and threw her into a different room.

I entered the room, I looked around carefully to see if Andi was down for the count but I found no sighting of Anti She-Venom, "Oh! Um... Hello? We're all done here? Huh, How about that? Alex, Good news: Turns out you were wrong! Hope that doesn't wound your ego..." "What, You think if you die, I'll be happy to be right?" "I don't think you're happy to be wrong." "Then you know as little about me as you think about you." I mean she doesn't sound thrilled, but typically that is because how she was through this whole thing but eh... whatever. She was wrong, that was fine with me, but seriously does this room just have only plain crates? Seriously it's basically filled with crates, "What I know is that Moore looks to be down for the count. Better make sure, Though... So... Can we call this one a wrap, Andi? Maybe go grab some coffee? Laugh about it?" Still no answer, and still too quiet. Honestly this feels like I'm in a horror movie right now but I got to focus back on Sloan and stop him, "Ok, I guess I can go back now-- and take out Sloan now once and for all." I was about to head out, until Anti She-Venom came out from hiding and attacked me above, her symbiotes arms or whatever you want to call it grabbed and pulled me close to her and started to begin draining my powers, or let's killing me, " Great... No Spider-Sense... Nooo! NOOO!!!! Uuhhh!!!" I struggled, screaming in pain and agony, "Trying... To cure you..." Barely spoke a few words, No I can't give up. I can't- "Go cure... Your... Self!" I kicked her in the face, she let me go. I fell to the ground but I got back up as soon as I could while holding my arm... I'm starting to feel a little weak, "Nice try... Didn't work..." "Yes... It did... Now to finish the job..." Tried to fight, but I was too weak, I couldn't- "Ok ok. The chip they stuck in you is messing with your power! Fight it, Andi!" "You're about... To die..." She tried to get a hit in but I dodged, "Andi, Don't you get it! This is your chance to take back your mind! You can end this now!" "Yes... End this!" "Good!" "By ending you!" Oh boy, Tried to use my webs to trap her but failed, "Oh great... Fantastic... O'Hara! You might get to be right after all."

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