Chapter 17

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"I'm right nearby the failed experiments lab, Alex! Don't worry, I'm all over this!" I let her know not to worry or panic or anything. I got all of this handled, I hope...

A Few Moments Later

"Parker, These failed freaks are piling on! You sure you can do this?" She asked, I'm close and yeah I can do this, I'm the original Spider-Woman. Before she took up the title in the future, "I'm almost to the lab! Piece of cake!" "This is no time for pastries!" Alex struggled.

At The Failed Experiment Lab

I finally made it to the lab and now it's time to trash the place, "How's it going?" "You know, the usual." She continued to struggle, "I'll get a move on destroying these pods!" I need to hurry and help Alex out of her situation as I can now. I finally trashed the whole lab. Hopefully it worked... "Fantastic. I'll take it from here." "Good, Cause I got my own problems." I left the lab.

In the Alchemax Building with Spider-Woman (Parker Rogers)

I noticed Atrocity is up and awake just by a loud roar from somewhere else in the building, "The Atrocity's back!" I had a feeling the gas wasn't going to keep him knocked out forever but still, "Get him to the Gateway Room!" "You got it! That's where it began, That's where we'll end it!" "We're thinking alike!" "Took long enough."


Then finally Atrocity is fully awake and back to following me again... Oh boy; "Oh webs. The baby's awake. Alex! I'm heading to the Gateway Room and junior's right on my tail." I let her know, Alright patsy-face follow the Spider back to where you came from.

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