Chapter 10

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"Wish I knew how to get rid of these shockin' tentacles!" Getting frustrated with those tentacles coming out of nowhere, "Have you got the new parts in place?" Rogers asked, "Yeah, I just have to activate the breakers." "Good plan." "Without getting killed." "Oh better plan." Rogers responded back, Had to fight with more strike force reinforcements which is getting really annoying by now but I was still able to get to the breakers, after a few minutes I got them finally activated, "What happening now?" "Just some security guards. Something to occupy me while the Gateway warms up." Taking them out, unfortunately I ended up biting one of them. Side note, my fangs are kind of poisonous where they can paralyze anyone but I was at least able to finally activate the last breaker, "Don't hurry. I was thinking of staying here... For good." What the shock? That is just the craziest and stupidest thing she just brought up. "Are you out of you--? Okay, Let me just finish this and we'll talk." I'm seriously trying not to get mad furious or even yelling at her, By calling her a shockin' idiot for that dumb idea, "I'm not getting a steady power flow! I need to find the schematics to figure it out why! If the archives room here is in the same place it is in my time, It should be accessible through a vertical tunnel stay put."

"I've been thinking maybe staying put isn't a bad idea." "Meaning what?" I asked, "C'mon, O'Hara, It's not like Anti She-Venom was a fluke! Someone's always trying to kill me... And there's always a chance of my loved ones being caught in the crossfire. If I stay here, No one I love will suffer or die because of me..." Now she's going nuts, making no sense of what she's saying here, "What about all the good, You've done, And will do? The people you'll inspire, Including me!" , "You're saying the lives of billion strangers are more important than my loved ones?" "I'm not saying that. History says that." "Yeah, Well history doesn't have to wrestle with guilt or tentacles! They're at it again!" Parker groaned, I really, really, hate these shockin' tentacles, "Alright stay clear of them, I'll get it figured out on my end." I sighed, Got to hurry and find the archives room. Quickly, "Give me an update, O'Hara! It's all I can do to stay ahead of those tentacles!" "Yeah this is just taking a little longer than expected." "Well, Move it. I already died enough for one day." Yeah, I'll right on that kid, I reached to another room as I overheard Rogers again, "O'Hara! If you're working with the tentacles to convince me that 2099 sucks, Then mission accomplished!" "Anxious to come home? So am I." No matter what, Rogers you don't even understand something, I need to get back to 2099, I am the importance to my-- Not the time, O'Hara. Stay focused, I had finally made my way to the main frame, "Terrific. A voice-coded door. ALEX O'HARA 4-2-5-6." I entered my ID, "Access denied." Knew that wasn't going to work either way, Shock it, "Figures." I scoffed, "Rogers! Change in plan!" "Quelle surprise." Parker dissed, "I can't access the archives on this end. But you can on yours. I'll guide you to the archives room and you can give me the information I need." The archives room. That would be handy. I could look up the people I love... Keep them out of danger--" Oh no shockin' way, She ain't going to be doing that, "Don't you dare poke around in there, Rogers!" She's not going to poking around in there, especially with all the shockin' stuff we have been going through lately, "You've already seen the dangers of screwing with the past! Learn from mistakes instead of repeating them!" "Fine, Fine, Ah..." Then I heard a sudden change within her voice, sounds like she's in some type of trouble, Oh not right now. Later, "O'Hara! The walls are closing in and there's no way out. Now's would be a good time to pull that Quantum Causality thing!" Parker struggled, "I don't know what to do!" "You're in a better position than I am!" She cried out, "If I can find the architectural plans, Make some changes... But I'll need a computer for that." , "Find one!" She yelled, I rushed over to the technical room, "Rogers, You still there?" "Yeah, But it's getting crunch time!" She continues to struggle. C'mon, O'Hara, Gotta to hurry, "Don't panic!" "I never panic." Parker sarcastically said, "There looks to be an electrical panel up there! Maybe I can short circuit this thing!" "See any way to slow it?" She asked, "Um O'Hara! Remember the whole 'I never panic' thing? That's more of a guideline than a rule..." "Rogers! Did it work?" I asked, "I made it worse! The incinerators started up!" Oh, Shock, "Can't you shut it down at your end?" "I sure hope so!" She shouted, "O'Hara! I'm running out of room!" Rogers cried out, No, C'mon O'Hara! Hurry up!

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