Chapter 5

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"O'Hara! There's nothing left to trash! You still there?" Rogers asked, I slowly got back onto my feet with my breathing feeling a little heavy but I'm fine... for now, "For the most part..." "Did they turn into something else? Like I dunno... kittens?" Rogers guessed, I looked up and that wasn't correct. Morel like robotic Alchemax reinforcement robotic strike force goons better than being nearly squashed to death, "Yeah, Small. Metal. Robotic. Killer. Kittens." I let out a breath, "Awww..." They striked quickly, but using a decoy to dodged it and countered attacked them and took all of them out, "Thanks, for getting me out of there. Kind of proves the Quantum Causality theory."

"Just tell me who wins the next ten world series and we'll call it even." The confusion hit, "The world what?" "You're killin' me, O'Hara." She groaned, Don't start, "I'm not. But you will if you go to the 66th floor." I pointed out to her, "66th floor. I know, and we know. I'll do what I have to." Seriously how someone like her, who is the child of Captain America, doesn't like listening to my warning and trying to prevent her from getting killed, "Okay, fine... If plan A, -Keep you out of danger-- Isn't working then we'll go Plan B. I'll get down to my 66th floor and see if we can solve this thing." "I'll try not to die in the meantime." You better shockin' will, Rogers or I'll be the one-- Don't let it get to you, O'Hara. Just focus and just get to the Gateway room.

"Rogers! Slow down! Wait for me to get to my 66th floor.", "Instead of my slowing, How about you hurry up." That's what I've been trying the whole entire time, but also trying to get you from getting killed, "Figures." Waste of breath, but something changed, "Rogers! A hallway here just changed!" "It wasn't me." She answered. "Maybe Moore smashed a wall or something I'm just trying to stay alive.", "If you were, You'd clear out. But you have to prove your bravery." "Bravery? Dude, There's nothing I'd like better than to just high-tail it out of here." "Then why the shock don't you." Both of us argued at it again.

"Because what I do here matters! Okay? Beyond changing hallways in elevators! IT matters, and that's just something I have to live with, Even if it means I die with it. You get it, O'Hara?!" Alright, I'll admit, not giving is something a Rogers would do. Like her father, Steve Rogers would do, but still sounds irresponsible. "Whatever. So.... Where are you?" I asked, "Nearly where you don't want me to be." You stupid little- "Slow down, Would'ja?" "How about you speed up?" "Yeah. I'll get right on that. Only way to most fast enough is to go free fall in the elevator shaft. Shortest distance between two points is a straight line. On my way, Rogers! Rogers? Uhm, That's ominous." I free fall but then a change occurred, for shock's sake, I'm REALLY starting to hate all of this, "Rogers! It happened again!" "Oh, Crying out loud... IT wasn't me!" She snapped back at me. Few moments later, I finally reached the 66th floor but then a strike force gunner blew up the walkway with a grenade. Great, Just SHOCKIN' great. Got to crawl my way back up, "Shock it. Got to get back up there fast. Before Rogers reaches her own 66th floor ahead of me." Gotta hurry, O'Hara."

Parker? You hanging in there?" "Oh, sure. Hanging, crawling, leaping. All part of the service. And you can stop worrying about me, Mommy. Especially since I'm the one who keeps having to bail you out." She's REALLY becoming irritating.

"I'll keep worrying until this is done. How close are you to the 66th floor? Rogers?" "Shut up. I just spotted Andi. I'll be in touch." "Rogers! Rogers? Are you? Ah, Great. I've got to wrap this thing up before it turns into an even bigger disaster than it already is." Panic began to strike, I made my way back to the Gateway Room, "Rogers! I made it to the 66th floor! Where are you?" Is this 'Anti She's Venom' still hiding?" "I'm face to pasty-face with Anti She-Venom." Oh shock.

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