Chapter 7

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"Believe me, That's the last thing I want!" Gotta hurry the shock up, O'Hara but there even bigger mess and I don't want her to die because I wasn't able to anything, I'm not going to let her-- I'm not going to let this happen and Sloan isn't going to win this I need to stop him, and I got a idea, "I'm about to reach the Gateway Room!" , "And when you get there, then what?" "Don't worry." "Yeah... Why would I?" She sounded like she could barely breathe, but right then and there. There was another change, "You shockin'-- "Oh, You got to be kidding me! Rogers! It's another time distortion, Blocking my way!" "Don't blame me..." "I'm not blaming anyone! I need to find another way to the Gateway Room." I'm not pinning blame anyone here well except for Sloan, for starting this whole shockin' mess. I'm trying to save Rogers before- right now it's stressful and irritating but I'm not letting Rogers die and won't, "It's getting complicated on my end but I'm almost there--" "You still haven't told me... What happens... Once you get there..." , "Only thing I can think of is to come back to your time." "Swell... We'll do lunch." She let out a small chuckle, it's not time for that right now. I'm almost close to the Gateway Room, "Rogers! You still with us?" "Not for much longer if Moore has anything to say about it. O'Hara... Maybe I would have listened... To you... If you didn't keep saying 'shock'... All the time..." "Oh you did listen. You just did what you had to do." "I didn't think... That I'd have to die for it..." "You won't. Trust me! We'll get you through this!"


I continued to get drained by Anti She-Venom, "Almost pity you..." She spoke, while she continued to drain me to death or kill, "That makes... Two of us..." She grabbed me and threw me back into the Gateway Room, I lifted my head up to see Sloan, "Good try, Spider-Woman. But I had hundreds of years to plan this. Keep your friends, And your enemies closer. I kept you close to keep an eye on you... Make use of you... But now you're done... And I'm done with you." He explained along with that stupid evil grin smile on his face that I would love to punch right about now but I'm too weak, I can barely move right now... "O'Hara... A... a little help?" I asked, no response, "O'Hara... If you're there... I got nothin' left... Now power... No... No-nothing... You tried to warn me.... I was an idiot..." Crawling on the floor, to get away from Anti She-Venom and I'm in too much pain to get up, "Stop talking about yourself in the past tense! This isn't over!" "Spoken like someone... Who isn't here." "I\m doing what I can! Come on, Rogers! Where's the never-say-die attitude!" "I don't need to say it... To do it..."


"And I'm out of jokes..." I hear the tone in her voice, she's in pain and weakened, "I'm sorry... I... Didn't get the job alone..." "No way! No shockin' way are you giving brave last words!"


"C'mon, Spider-Woman... Hold it together...Just another few seconds... To get your strength back..." Then I felt being grabbed and lifted up by Anti She-Venom. She turned me around to look at her in the face, her ugly face... I webbed her face but she tore it off and roared in front of my face... ew... She dropped me, I can't do anymore, nothin' but I-i can't give up. I got back up off the ground, then both me and Andi went in and tried to get a punch in but Andi got the first hit and I falled back to the ground. Then everything started to turn black.

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