Chapter 20/ The Endings

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I decided to go and check up on Johnny, yeah I know him being saved by Alex technically doesn't exist but still... But I just want to see and make sure. Then something caught my attention to find him walking down the street. I ran over to him, He then looked at me with a worried look and pulled me into a hug. My eyes widened but I understood and it's okay. But I know he feels safe with me and the same I do with him, Even though I hate to admit it. I might've died once technically in a different set of memories that technically didn't happen... So what it's over. I'm happy to see him and be with him.


After this whole Quantum Causality over with now, I arrived back home after everything I have been through... I wanted to be family... My family. As I went inside there I saw Miguel, My husband and then my son, My baby boy, well technically ours but still... I walked over to Miguel and wrapped my arms around him, "You alright? You seem kinda--" "I'm alright, I swear. Just a rough day...." But something came to mind and I wanted to go and check on it.

At Alchemax, In The Archives Room

I sneaked into the Archives and decided to see something. Unfortunately it's stupid since Rogers did before but shock it. Who cares, I looked up Parker Rogers on the archives database, there I saw she grew up with Johnny Storm, She looks happy... They're married and had two kids, heh, "Good for you, Rogers. Live your happy ending and so will I."


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