Chapter 14

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"You know how to solve this, Right This time storm and this... Atrocity that followed me out!" Parker asked, I'm trying to think and with all this happening now it's becoming more concerned as a high level threat to the timeline or just the universe entirely. On a side note, this technically is out of my skill set, "This is little out of my field, Okay?" I sighed, "The para-science boys would be better... Hey. That's it! The para-science research lab. Best bet for all the answers. I'll go there." I explained. How did I not come up thinking that before, Shock-- "The time storm's starting to tear everything apart!" "Ditto here! Not to mention I'm playing tag with this crazy octo-monster..." Parker replied, "I don't believe, A transitional Einstein-Rosen bridge..." "You mean a wormhole?" Parker brought up, There was one on the floor in the Gateway that just appeared, Strange at first, "Yeah. Crazy as it sounds. I can use it to get to the para-science research lab faster." I answered back, Well let's put that theory to the test. I jumped into the Wormhole.

In a different location in Alchemax

"Parker, Watch your step! The Causality out of control..." "Was it even IN control?" She snapped, "The point is, If you breathe wrong, It could have unexpected consequences. So watch it!" I warned her, rather be safe and cautious than being sorry and dead. I also plus got enough to deal with right now, "I'll do my best to watch my step while I'm fighting for my life." Sure... I pray to shockin' christ you do so... I was in a different location as the power was out, Perfect... Ugh, "Power's out. There has to be a backup generator somewhere." I looked around to see anything until that's when something caught my attention. There was a DNA data cart, "Looks like an old DNA cart. I wonder if I can get it to work by locking it into the station." I went to do so, and after that; "Mutant DNA samples. Ready. Opening Gamma Ray wing." The program was ready to start until I found zombie symbiotes or something like appearing, most like failed experiments, Shock it-- "Shock! They never really shut it down! There's living test subjects here! Looks like they feed on energy. These failed experiments could destroy the data box." Not going to happen on my watch. I went to begin fighting, blocking them from the cart then I was close to push the DNA cart in place, Then overheard the computer. After finishing fighting those failed experiments and got all four DNA carts locked in, "Symbiote subjects DNA samples ready. All samples locked and ready for upload." Said the computer, "And now, We wait. Parker, I have all four data boxes. As soon as I've activated them, We'll know what's going on." I explained, I heard back to the room, "That'd be a nice change of pace. Sure beats dying again." "True. I just need to activate each data box." I went to go activate all of them, "Parker, I think that Atrocity is connected to the time storm somehow. What I really need is some of it's DNA to complete the analysis..." "How?! It's on this end!" "Grab a DNA recorder and acquire a sample! Download it into a computer there, It'll show up here!"

"If it's not already there, Doesn't that mean I failed?" She questioned, "You want a two hour lecture on the laws of Quantum Dynamics? No? Then trust me. It won't be visible here until you do it there!" "Time travel makes my head hurt."

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