Chapter 4

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"And that means going after the bad guys." Changing into my spider suit as then I put on my mask, "You want a Spider-Woman who'll do whatever you want? Go play a video game." Out of nowhere I heard a loud boom coming outside of the room I was in and in the hallway "What was that?" I ran out, I looked around to see where the noise came from then my spider-sense went off, "Spider-sense." Straight out of nowhere, I got blasted from behind with another explosion. I overheard a raspy voice, "Save yourself... from me..." It was Anti She-Venom (formerly known as Andi Moore/She-Venom) but fled away as I got back up from the ground. I still feel a little dizzy but I'm fine, "Andi Moore? Anti She-Venom? SHE'S the one gunning for me? But she's reformed." "What? What did you say? I can't hear you." I sighed, "We need to work out the kinks of this time travel communications thing if it's gonna have any hope of catching on." I responded back.

"Rogers! Focus on what's important!" She snapped at me with a serious tone within her voice, "I am. Which is why I'm heading up to the 66th floor! If that's where we're supposed to butt heads, Maybe I can draw her out en route. I'm going to go look for an elevator." " Do you WANT to die?" Alex asked, "Of course not, but I want to run away even less." After talking down Alchemax's goonies, I focused back on Andi and also got to the 66th floor, as I opened the door. I could overhear Anti She-Venom sounds like she's struggling with herself, well more like fighting herself to control herself, "Can't hold back... much longer... get out..."

"Andi, For crying out loud. You're not a killer anymore!" I cried out, "Warned... you.." But when I suddenly looked up I noticed an elevator falling above me, pretty sure it was aiming to take me out; luckily I got out of the way and noticed it crashed down in flames, wow. Nevermind, Got to stay focused Rogers, I continued crawling my way to follow Anti She-Venom's trail until I overheard Alex, "What the shock?!" "What happened?" "The elevator I'm in, Just changed into a closet." I sort of let out a slight little chuckle, "Moore just tried to kill me with an elevator weird coincidence." How ironic, heh, "Maybe not." Right there, I paused for a second; "Wait, wait, wait, wait. Something I did here had an effect on you in 2099? That's impossible." "Theoretically, it's not. The idea's called Quantum Causality. The two gateways created a link between our times." Okay, after that brief explanation it got me confused in a lot of different ways than anyone could ever imagined, "Like a wormhole through the fourth dimension?" "Right, normally changing the past just creates an alternate timeline, and vice versa." "So, I can change things here, Now that can immediately changes things in the future. That's amazing! Outstanding even!" Holy crow. That's- just wow-- Focus, Rogers!

The Next Room, but as soon as I knew it, it changed into a closet, and another bomb came around. Then I noticed Anti She-Venom, "You're holding back, Andi." I can tell while looking at her, she was still seeming to struggle with herself and ran off, I followed after her, "You realize this time travel story of yours is going to cost my job." "It's not your job! It's not even your reality!" "Yeah, That's what you keep saying but how do you know?" "Because I do, Rogers! And deep down, so do you! Now let me concentrate! I have my own problems right now!" Alex argued,

"Well, I can't help you with that." I scoffed, "Maybe you can, Rogers! You're making this harder for me, not easier!" Well, I'm sorry I'm not really trying to get you killed or anything even though you are getting on my nerves, "I told her trying to control this quantum causality thing was a stupid idea!" "They said penicillin was stupid, too!" "We're talking about the fabric of reality! Not bread mold!" I pointed out, Alex sounded like she let out a sigh, "Just get ready to help me!" She snapped, "Bread mold, Sheesh. I can't believe her crust!" Man, I have no clue what side on the bed she woke up on but she's definitely cranky. I found another room, then I realized what I've been looking for, "There! The elevator I need is right at the end of this hallway!" But I heard Alex struggling, "Rogers! I'm in a jam and you put me there!", "Hey! I was having a quiet evening until you started talking inside my head! Don't blame me for this!" Then I paused, and rethought, "Alright, Fine. What do you need me to do? O'Hara? O'Hara? Great. She's gone." I shook my head, and let out a sigh. Seriously today is not my day, "Rogers! Stop screwing around and get me out of this!" "I'm not a time travel expert! How do I... Wait, wait, wait! What if I just trash the whole robotic research facility. Is that worth a try?" "Anything's worth a try!" I'm starting to panic a little right now, "Stop yelling at me! I'm just learning about this quantum causality thing!" "Learn faster!" Alright, alright. This only way is to quickly strike the reinforcement goons down for the count and hurry thrashing & smashing or destroy the whole Robotic facility, Okay I got it. You got this, Rogers, I pray. I ran over to the leg, "Okay, I'm here. I'll destroy the prototype parts and we'll see what happens." I shot a few web lines onto the leg, began to pull the leg off, holy crow, this is difficult, but then finally got to tear the robotic leg off. Phew, Onto the next part, the arm. I did the same with the arm, then I overheard Alex, "At least... One of us... Will..." I finished tearing the arm off, alright good so far but gotta hurry to the head, "Can't believe a woman's life is depending on a theory!" "Believe it!" Alex is still struggling. C'mon Rogers, Hurry the heck up. I repeat the same thing with the leg & the arm but now with the head, still pulling this freaking piece of trash of scrap metal, I grunting to hurry this thing to tear off, "Still with me, O'Hara?", "Faster... Faster would be better..." "I'm doing my best!" "Best... not... good enough..." "No! O'Hara! Hang on!" C'mon, Rogers! Just a little more, then I finally ripped this trash scrap metal head off as I fell back a little. Please, I'm praying. Let Alex be still alive and okay.

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