Chapter 13

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"Thanks again, Alex." , "Enough with the thanks... You ready?" "To come home? You bet." Definitely want to get back home. Don't get me wrong 2099 is cool and all, but it's time to get back home, Get back like that Beatles song, heh, "And leave me again?" Oh no, I turned around and found out who the mysterious voice that was talking before. I was surprised who it was and it was the least person I would ever imagine to see here in 2099. "How much is a boy supposed to take?" Francis Hardy... Black Cat. No way... "Black Cat?! I was praying, I was wrong... What have they--" "Help me, Spider! They... They gave me an anti-aging drug... For decades... Made me over..." Crying for help, but something doesn't feel right here, this has-- Spider-sense... "Spider-sense is going nuts!" There was when the tables had turned, he quickly attacked me but dodged it as I ducked, looking back in his direction... Holy cow! He completely destroyed a whole wall; "You're lying! The real Francis... He would never let them--" , "Never let them what?! Turned me into this? You destroyed me, Spider! After what you did I didn't care what happened to me!" "I don't know what you're talking about! Either I haven't done yet what you claim I did!... Or you're making all this up to mess with my head!" "And you get to guess which one! Isn't this fun?!" "Not remotely." Not the perfect time to be messing around, "Aww... You're no fun." "And you're a crazy cat guy, So..." I kinda shrugged a little as I pointed out, "Aww. You used to have a sense of humor." "Dying tends to get you serious in a hurry." "Then you're about to get deadly... Serious." Okay, Seriously what in the name of the Bealtes is going on here?! This completely isn't -- ah whatever. After fighting with Black Cat; He disappeared after, "Francis... I'm so sorry for you..." "Ooh. She's so sorry... 'Help me, Spider! Poor Me!' You actually fell for that? What did we EVER see in her?" He sounded like he was talking in third person which was strange but in the fight he did have doppelgangers but still, "Francis, This... Creature isn't you!" "You don't get to lecture us on who we are, Spider! Not anymore!" He argued, Then I suddenly overheard O'Hara, "Okay, Parker, I'm almost to the Gateway. The energy is limited, So we'll have to jump through at the same time." Alex informed, "Don't worry, I'll be there." I was heading my way there now, "I'm en route to the Gateway room! Tell me you're there as well! We have to time this right!" "You've got it, Alex!" Until I heard a new mysterious voice as I stopped to find a mysterious shadowy figure, "Oh oh. How nice... You and your counterpart on a first name basis now. It's good to know you've bonded." "Who are you?" I asked the shadowy figure, "I'm the CEO of Alchemax. The real question is... Who are you, Old friend?"

"Old friend? So this is where you make the big reveal, and I say, Holy cow! Norman Osborn! Or The Kingpin! J. Jonah Jameson! C'mon, PLEASE be Jameson..." I begged, " All of them long dead, I fear. Too bad they didn't have access to the anti-aging drug we developed. It does wonders for you. And I do mean... You." The figure popped out and showed her face, i-it was my face but I was older, no... I was surprised... No, Stunned by this, "NO, It... It... Can't be--", "Can't be, Yes, Why do people always say that?" I took off my mask and dropped it to the ground, "Good thing your future counterpart saved us, Eh? Otherwise we couldn't be... This." "I... I become the evil mastermind?" I can't be-- No, I-i, "Oh, Don't be melodramatic. With Great Power Comes Fet Responsibility..." She picked my mask off the ground and gave it back to me, "And Great Opportunity. And the only way to live up to all that responsibility... Is to us every opportunity to get all that power."

"But Uncle John, I vowed to him that I would never do a bad thing but this I would never-- because I love and care about the people who have always been on my side and they made me who I am today. But you, I'm not like you and you're not me. You're the bad guy..."

"Really? Because that's where you're wrong. When I learned the day I lost everyone I loved... And I didn't have the power to stop it." Wait-- What? "What do you mean... Everyone?" I wondered, "You'll find out. Except... Once I've fixed reality... You actually won't find out. Consider yourself lucky." I felt paralyzed. I can't even move then I hear Alex, "Parker, It's up and running! But it's not tremendously stable! Where are you?!" "I think... I think I;m in hell. The CEO, It's me..." "What-? That's... That's insane! How can that--? Holy shock! Parker, NOW! Move! Move!" Alex told me, I entered back into reality. There's no time to waste, "Let me explain it all to you..." "Explain it to my rapidly retreating backside!" I put my mask back on the left. Web swinging quickly far away from-- That. "Parker! Gert a move on!" "I'm going as fast as I can!" I was hurrying the best I could for now but I headed into the CEO's secret archives. I need to take a breather to calm myself down, "I can't let it... Let ME... End up this way..." I paused between my own words, "This is no time for a soliloquy, Parker! I'm barely holding the Gateway together!" "I'm barely holding myself together." But I know I can't stop right now, I need to get a move on right away, I got over to another room except move changes began to happen again, Oh great... "Sometimes Quantum Causality is not my friend." I sighed, "I told you, The Gateway's getting increasingly unstable. You're dealing with pure chaos." "Kind of like my love life!" I joked, "As soon as we destroy the Gateway, I'll go back to normal." "Awesome!" But that's when I just noticed I didn't have the key to the Gateway room. How-- WHo could've-? There was one person... Black Cat... You sneaky naughty little kitten.

At the Hydroponic Jungle, I was looking around for Black Cat, Seeing if he was in here but you know it just seemed like a perfect that he would've been here. Then I heard a voice above, "Is this what you're looking for?" I found Black Cat, Holding the key to the Gateway Room, "You know it is." "Well then come and get it." I knew it wasn't going to be easy but to be fair when is it? O'Hara decided to chime in right about now, "Parker, Are you on your way to the Gateway Room?!" "Slight setback." "What kind?" "My ex wants to play cat and mouse." I groaned, Ugh...

"This is serious!" "Well. It wasn't MY idea!" "Just do what you have to and get to the Gateway." Gotcha, Boss. I had a few fights with Black Cat and his doppelgangers until I finally ended his little game, as I knocked him to the ground. He was beginning to slowly get up, "It was like old times wasn't it, Parker? And I know. I know... It wasn't MY old times. Not really. But it was as close as I was ever going to get." I offered to pull him off the ground, "Be honest, Was I--?" "Yeah... You were great. Better than the original." "Still, Parker Rogers. Promise me don't change." "I won't. I never will."

He leaned in, trying to kiss me but then faded away *Sigh* I'm sorry, Francis... I grabbed the key to the Gateway Room, and left quickly. After a few minutes later, I finally got back to the Gateway Room, "You sill with me, O'Hara?" "Ready?" You bet I am. "Good to go!" "On three!" "One." "Two." "Three!" We both jumped through the Gateway. I'm finally back home until-- "Parker, Did you make it through?!?!" Alex asked, "Yeah... But something came through with me... Oh my GOD!" What in the name of-- "What's wrong?" "Those tentacles. They were coming from some kind of.. I don't know what this atrocity is. In fact, That's what I'm going to call... Atrocity, Cause. That, And 'Fin Fang Foom' was taken." I explained what I'm looking at. It's just pure ugh-- disgusting... "Parker. Again. Focus! The Quantum bridge is building on itself... Like a hurricane. It's a massive time storm... And if we can't get it under control, It's going to wipe out everything."

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