Chapter 12

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'What's Johnny Storm look like, Anyway?" "Tall, Blonde hair, Blue eyes, Can turn himself on fire, but unfortunately his powers can't work in the Alchemax building, so in mortal danger. I'm sure you can find him." Rogers described, at first sounds like she was describing that drummer from that 70s rock band, except the drummer wasn't very tall, minus on that right now, "What's he doing in Alchemax? Does he work here?" I questioned, "NO! He was just just meeting up with me." *TT* figures, "We were going out together." She was starting to get all panicky again, "This is all my fault." I can sort of understand what she is going through... She's worried, I worried too if it was Miguel, "Calm down. I said I'll take care of it. Shouldn't be hard to find right." I reached a room close to me, a library or something kinda close looking at it. There I saw the man she was describing, a few floors up, yep that's Johnny Storm... Well, Rogers's description was a surprising spot on, Hm... "PARKER! Where are you?!?!" He yelled out, as he was looking for Rogers, and yet Parker's scared to death about losing him because he 'might' die but who the shock knows? But something appeared, it was those shockin tentacles again! Storm took off after he tried to attack him, still makes no reason why his powers aren't working in Alchemax... Strange... "Rogers! I see him! He's looking for you." "It's my fault he's there... Is he safe?" "Well, He's not dead But the tentacles have other ideas.", "Help him, For crying out loud!" I'm trying my best but these shocking tentacles are the REAL main problem here, "Also why doesn't his powers work in Alchemax?", "Alchemax prevents someone with powers that come from cosmic radiation, Basically the Fantastic Four powers are cosmic radiation due to the space thing back then." Makes sense, I guess... "Right..."

After dealing with those tentacles 'for the most part', I saw Storm again, "Johnny Storm! Head towards the sound of my voice! Johnny Storm!" "Oh, Thank g... Wait! Who are you?! I don't care, just help me!" He ran off, "Johnny Storm! Aw, Shock." Ugh, Shock it. Then I overheard Parker's voice in my head again, great now what... "He's dead, Isn't he?!?! Hurry, O'Hara!" I'm trying all I can right now but it's kinda difficult with someone who keeps talking inside my head for every 5 minutes because of panic, "I'm doing my best. I've got my own problems." "And don't talk to me about problems." "Calm down." "No." "Why?" I asked, "Seconds ago the computer said he was crushed by some kind of falling debris! Now, It says he dies in a... No wait, It's changing again!" "It's the Quantum Causality, Parker! There's so much happening that it's going haywire! Now calm down! I have enough without you freaking out in my head." Just need to calm down. It's not going to do any better with panic every second. I'm trying to get to him but it's becoming more challenging with shocking tentacles and reinforcement goons than having someone freaking out inside your own head, "Okay, Okay..."

There in another room, I spotted Storm again, "What is this? What's going on?! PARKER!!" He screamed out, Then hearing Parker again, ugh... "I'm trying to keep it together, Alex... Just... Tell me... Something!" "Trying to find him. Temporal rifts are opening all over. It's like the fabric of space time is being stretched thinner and thinner. It may reach a point where it's unrepairable." I explained the problem right now. I saw Johnny once again, "Over here!" Called out, but didn't even look and he scurry away, Perfect... I really hate this...For shock's sake! What does Rogers even see in this guy? Wait... Why would I care? Oh, Because I don't, "That man needs his shockin' hearing checked. And if I stop to fight these things, There may not be anything of him left to save."

I finally managed to catched to Johnny Storm, Good riddance... He was in an elevator, hm... Kinda weird why he would be in one, I began to walk over to here, "You again! At first I thought you were... But sound... Different. Move different!" He was out of breath from all that running around and screaming out Rogers' name. Imagine how I feel about chasing after you, "Parker sent me." I hate saying that... But you're 'girlfriend' was worrying about you this whole shockin' time and if I didn't, I wouldn't hear the end of it and-- "She did?!" He sounded quite surprised actually. But then out of nowhere, those shockin' tentacles returned again and cutted the ropes to the elevator, You gotta be SHOCKING me! The elevator began to fall with Storm inside, *Sigh* Gotta do this, "HAANNGGGG ONNN!!!" Following after the elevator, Free falling, Have to do this for Rogers because if I don't... I'll never hear the end of it. "What's happening?!" "Nothing good! What's it say on your end?" I rushed quickly to the elevator, "That he dies in an elevator!" Not today, It isn't; Got on top of the elevator shaft and began to rip the first top part off it, then I fell back, falling back for him... "Alex, No change!" , "That's cause I haven't gotten to him yet!" Almost reaching back to the elevator again, "I know you didn't really wanna do this but please!" She cried out, Look I get it, she's worried I understand it; "Parker, I swear to you I wouldn't be doing this if I wasn't sure I could save him!" Got back on top of the elevator shaft and began to rip the whole top part off, and fell back again but continued to follow him as I overheard Johnny, "Get me out of here!!!" He screamed out, "Alex, It's changing again!" What could it possibly be changing to now? "What does it say?" "Actually nothing... What does that mean?" Huh, Weird... "Honestly? It means he wasn't important enough to be remembered." I finally reached the elevator shaft, "Storm! Grabbed my hand!" I stuck my hand out for him to reach, he grabbed my hand. I pulled him close and got us to safety. I got both of us to a safe location, I noticed he began to faint, I catched him and carried, "I got him! He's okay!" I heard a sigh of relief from Parker, "Thanks! Thank you. For real. This... Means a lot to me." "No problem, Parker."

Carrying Johnny, he started to wake up, "C'mon Johnny... Let's get you out of here now." I spoke calmly, "You're talking to Parker right now? You got some kind of cell phone under that mask?" "A cell what-? Uh... I mean sure. That's it." Confused but just went with it "Can I-?" He asked, "You'll have plenty of time to talk to her after all this is over. You'll have your whole lives together." "I just want today... Thank you. You're as brave and unselfish as another girl... Who goes by the handle of Spider-Woman. You're a worthy successor to the name." I remember looking back on old Fantastic Four files, on the files about Johnny Storm, He was best known as a womanizer but pretty much a shockin' pain in the butt. But right here, Right now, He doesn't act like that. Now to think of it... Rogers may have had an effect on him, "Thanks... I mean that."

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