Chapter 16

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"DNA strands integrated...! No wonder I couldn't get a read. That thing's a combination of Sloan, Octavius, and Anti She-Venom." They must have mutated into that thing when they were shoved through..." Surprised that all of them were a combination and how the Gateway made that happen, What's even more interesting is how the Gateway could've done that sort of-- "My god... Any weakness?" "At a guess? High voltage. Right now, They're super charged with Quantum particles. If we can reverse the polarity of the Gateway and shove it back through, The Quantum feedback could reverse the time storm." I explained, Then a voice appeared from behind me, "Why reverse it, Alex? When we can use it?" I looked around to find a hologram of an older version of Parker Rogers. If I would have to guess she would've been dead or now probably past her hundreds years old or something like that, but how does she know-- "You know who I--?" "Of course, She knows, I know. Alex... You're on the wrong side of this. I'm not the villain here. I'm the girl who's trying to make everything right. Don't you get it? If you mean, You're most likely to destroy everything, So no I don't." "Apparently I don't." "When the storm is fully unleashed, I'm going to harness the Quantum energy. It will give me complete control the time stream." Like I said before, Destroy everything, She's insane, "Complete--?" What, You're trying to play God?" "The first creation of the universe wasn't bad... For a first draft. I'm just going to provide a much-needed rewrite. I can make up for my original by saving Uncle John, Not to mention Peter Parker, and countless others! What kind of villain fixes it so that everyone gets to live happily ever after! Like you and--" Don't you even dare to go there or I will claw your-- "You're talking about power no human should have. You'll end up destroying yourself, but not before you've annihilated everything else." "Well, Then; I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree, This discussion is over." Oh no, Shockin' it isn't, "It's over when I say its--!" The bottom floor open below my feet, I fell through "OOOOVEEERRRR...!!!!!" I free falled afterwards.


I got to a safe location, for now, "No way it ends here. The CEO and I have some unfinished business. Hmmm... This thing has a gravity reversal system to separate previous metals. I can use that to get the shock back up." After doing all that, I was able to get back to the Data room...

"Okay, You raving megalomaniac! Here I come! Get ready!" I'm not thrilled but I am ready to punch than insane manic Rogers in the face.

I noticed a lot of those failed symbiote experiments returned, they were getting highly very dangerously out of control, I needed to put a stop to them but I wanted to get Rogers's attention, "Parker! Overwhelming forces here! The Alchemax of your time should have a failed experiments lab. If you get there and destroy it, The Quantum Causality should whip out any trace of these experimental freaks!" I'm in the danger zone now again, Shock.

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