Chapter 19/The Grand Finale

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"Alex! I'm getting ready to reverse the polarity! Just in case we blow up the universe and not stopping it, I just wanna tell ya-- It's be fun!" "Have faith! I'm almost positive this'll work!" Wait-- Almost?! That's not something not to say if you're not 100% sure, Oh I swear if-- I overheard the computer, "POLARITY REVERSAL COMPLETE." Okay that's good until Atrocity is now coming in the Gateway Room, Oh boy... Alright let's finish this! Now!

Meanwhile During The Fight

"Seismic activity detected. Security override initiated." Good maybe I can trap him, I jumped onto one of the seismic, Atrocity tried to hit me but he trapped onto the seismic. I quickly move, It's time to strike. I got onto Atrocity and tore off a few of his tentacles as they fell into the Gateway. Huh, I'll wonder where that will go...


I finally arrived at the Gateway, To face old psychotic Rogers and to end this whole madness. I noticed she was in some kind of iron spider tech costume, "I believe I had an appointment." "Luckily, I cleared my schedule for you. I'm sorry it's come to this but... Obviously you're part of the problem, Not the solution." "Idiot. I'm absorbing all the quantum particles being unleashed! I'll reshape the timeline any way I wish long before it collapses. Think of it as playing dice with the universe. Einstein would have approved." "Einstein's not here, So I guess I'll have to do!" She went in for a strike attack but I quickly got out of the way as possible, mainly using a holo-decoy to dodge, "PARKER! Looks like your future self took a page from Iron Man's old playbook! I'm squaring off against some kind of Iron Spider outfit!" "Sounds like a crutch to me. If she really had confidence in her own speed and agility, She wouldn't be making with the heavy metal!" Young Rogers explained, Oh really... A crutch, huh? It doesn't seem like that in my point of view but shock it. Then something caught my attention; Somehow a wormhole opened up along with Atrocity's tentacles appearing with it then disappeared... Wait! I got an idea, "What the-? Friends of yours?" The CEO asked, Huh.. "Uhm... Yeah! I'm just full of surprises. She doesn't know about the Atrocity, I can use that... Especially the Anti She-Venom part." Who's got the upper hand, 'Boss' , When that wormhole came back I decided to use my holo-decoys to trap her and then when those tentacles appeared, It was the time to strike. "... I don't understand this! How are those things... Draining my powers?" "How? As quickly as possible, That's how."


As the tentacles trapped CEO Parker Rogers, It sort of became easier to fight her. I guess thinking of the Iron Spider costume might've been a bad idea for her, "Whatever these things are... All they prove... Is that you can't beat me... By yourself." Believe that all you want, but I'll end this now rather than later.


I continue to fight Atrocity while using the Gateway's seismatics with the use of these. It is basically an advantage I can use to get rid of Atrocity's tentacles, But I noticed the Gateway starting to insanely out of control, "The Gateway's going totally nuts! What's happening on your side?" "Oh, No worries. Just time collapsing. Nothing that needs you to HURRY THE SHOCK UP! Alex yelled out, "Okay, I get it! I'm zapping the squid and detentacling it as fast as I can!" "Detentacling? Don't use made-up words!" "Right, What the shock was I thinking?" I sarcastically replied, "Rogers, What's the hold up? I don't know how long we have before the Gateway destroys everything!" "Let's hope it's one second more than we need!" "I'd rather not bring deadline right up against the edge of time! Now get that Atrocity in the Gateway!" What do you think I have been doing while fighting this thing, I'm sorry that's being difficult fighting my old psychotic manic future self right now, "Can't do it until I've finished detentacling him!""Oh, Come on! Now you're just saying it to annoy me!" "You think too small. Everything I say is to annoy you." I pointed out, I was trying my best to get the creature into the Gateway but I got to finish ripping off those disgusting him, and making him down for the count once and for all; "C'mon let's dance! They call me the volts queen! Like, A hundred thousand volts." I joked, Got back onto him and tore off more of his tentacles and threw them into the Gateway.


Still fighting future Rogers, Holy shock can't believe the tentacles are trapping her and she doesn't know about it, hm... I got the upper advantage now. It's very effective and helpful.


At this point right now, I'm just still punching Atrocity with no tentacles anymore closer to the Gateway, "I hate the thought of just punching you in the face. There's no imagination, No elegance, No-- Aw heck, I'm goin' for it. Y'know, The whole punching thing is kinda fun. Well, More fun for me than you." He was right where I wanted him to be, Here's my chance to push him in the Gateway. I shot one web right and the other left, I moved back and then let go and ended up kicking him into the Gateway, "Woo! Haha! Did it! Alex, It's over! I THOUGHT it was over!" So, Pushing Atrocity didn't stop it for good, Oh boy.


"She thinks it's over, Doesn't she?" Well, You know she's technically your 16 year old self, So pretty much yes, she thinks that, "Don't see any fat ladies singing, Though..." She pointed out, And right then and there young Rogers decides to join into the conversation, Great... "Alex! It's still out of control! You need to lock it down on your end!" What the shock, do you think I've been doing this WHOLE time, "And if you do... Actually, I dunno! What happens if you do?!" "Then the backlash should collapse the quantum bridge and overwrite all of this, Wiping it from existence. And don't say if! I can still take the CEO! Her armor's starting to overheat. She can't control the energy! Just as I figured!" I explained, But right now got to focus on the CEO to get her into the gateway, Somehow... "Perfect! The time storm has reached the ideal level for harvesting the quantum particles! Which in a fancy way of saying; It's over for you, Alex." It's over when I say it is, "There's no way you can pull this off! You're bluffing, Rogers!" "I-i am?" Young Rogers joined in, "Not you, Rogers. The other, Rogers." "Keep telling yourself that. If it makes you feel better." CEO Rogers spoke up, She crawled onto the top of the Gateway and then out of nowhere she brings out lasers into the fighter, You gotta to be shockin' me right now, "Shock! You're NOT bluffing! You're INSANE!" "I'm not insane. I'm just focused." Or just pure lunatic, Got to finish this, O'Hara... Quickly as possible while trying not to get killed with those shockin' lasers, The past Rogers decides to chime in, Great... "What's going on?!" "Well, A century's worth of guilt has made you nuts and you're trying to kill me using weapons powered by quantum energy." I explained, "The first thing I'm going to do when I control time is wipe this entire fight out of existence retroactively." "The only thing that's going to be wiped is the floor, with you..." I responded to Future Rogers, While trying to dodge her death traps and decided to talk with past Rogers, "Parker, What's the hold up? I don't know how long before the Gateway destroys everything! I told you it could only end like this." I finally got a chance to make my move, I webbed future Rogers in the center of the Gateway, She began to talk again, "All those people... I could have saved... You're the real villain here! I tried to warn you, Alex! I really did! You've had no one else to blame but yourself! Maybe the best thing to do is just wipe you and even your husband, Out of existence entirely! Save both of us some aggravation! Even wipe out your own--" I knocked her in the Gateway with no hesitation... Turned around and walked away... This better be over...


I went outside to see the changes went back to normal, how it originally was and there it was... Alchemax no more. The daily bugle right there now, As it should be, " It's... it's all back to normal.." "Same here." "Ok but... if the timeline snapped back to normal... If none of it really happened... How do you and I remember it? I mean, We've got two different sets of memories in our brains. Shouldn't that be making us... I dunno... Crazy?" I asked, "Crazy? We already dress in skin-tight costumes and fight bad guys for free." "Okay, CraziER." "You really want a five hour lecture on temporal paradoxes?" "Sure... Why not? As it turns out, Looks like I have all the time in the world."

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