Chapter 8

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"NO! Not this time!" Shot a webline onto Rogers and pulled her through the Gateway, and carried her to the Medical Bay, putting her into one of the medical pods. It should help heal her, I let out a sigh, "Why the shock didn't she listen to me? I should have found a way... To get her to listen." I looked at her, this was my fault for getting her into this... She's only a kid, Still learning, But too reckless which ended up getting her- "This has to work. It has to! No! The Gateway's powering up!" Shock! I ran out and headed back over to the Gateway to see Anti She-Venom on the other side of the Gateway. I clenched my fist, she was ready to come through the Gateway. Ain't no shockin' way that's going to happen, not on my watch... "Oh no, You don't!" I swung through the Gateway to kick her back away from the Gateway, "Bring it on, You patsy-faced patsy!" Then I overheard a voice from behind, "What the hell?!?! This place is crawling with Spider-Women!" Octavius freaked.

"Don't worry, Anti She-Venom will step on this one." I wouldn't bet on that theory, Sloan..." I don't understand! Why aren't Anti She-Venom's powers draining hers--?" "Because mine aren't radiation based, If you have to know." I pointed out, "Didn't know. Don't care." Like if you ever did. Anti She-Venom tried to get hit in but I dodged while trying to pull all the control chips out of her, that Sloan put in her, "O'Hara? O'Hara? Where... - Where am I?" Wait is that- "Rogers! You're alive?!" "What the-- Alex! There are some kind of monsters breaking in! Where'd they come from?!" Oh, Shock. You've going to be kidding- "Just keep calm! They're probably mutation experiments from other regeneration eggs in the lab. Most likely they want to eat you for raw materials." , "Good thing you told me to stay calm. That makes it all better." I would rather stay calm in the situation but with those mutations I got to find a way to get rid of them from this dimension with Quantum Causality. Wait, I got it, I pushed Anti She-Venom into another room that could be the medical bay and I can make her crash into those experiments and those can be destroyed or non-existing back in 2099. "I'll change things here to fix things there." , "Here? There? Wait, Am I in 2099?" "Yeah, But if I destroy the regeneration eggs here, It'll eliminate the experiments there." I answered back, but then I heard no response from Rogers, Shock, "Rogers! You still with me? ROGERS!!!" I screamed, "Ah uh... Sorry. Sitting in this egg my... Mind's a little scrambled." Understandable... "PARKER!!!" "I'm here, Okay?" She sounded pretty dazed and her voice was almost quietly spoken. technically she's getting healed that makes it fine with me, I finally got Anti She-Venom to crash into the last and final pod. "Oh boy. I'm going after Anti She-Venom. You try not to get killed. Again!" Just a reminder, I threw Anti She-Venom back out in the Gateway Room. I managed to finally rip out all of those control chips, "You... Did it to me. Planted that chip in me... Controlled me..." Seeing how the tables have turned, Anti She-Venom faced Sloan, Definitely can tell she ain't happy all about it, walking towards "I didn't control you, Moore. I freed you. We both knew you wanted Spider-Woman dead. You should be thanking me." Hm... Sloan's starting to be a coward in this situation. Walking back from her, Heh, That's kinda funny "Let me show you how grateful I am!" "No! Keep back!" Sloan panicked, "One side, You fool, Before--" Octavius warned but too late Anti She-Venom knocked all three of them into the Gateway.

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