Chapter 11

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"Rogers, Are you there?!" Finally, O'Hara stopped that death trap, "Wow! Glad I'm out of there. Place smelled like a Rhino in July. O'Hara! They have enough security in here to keep out an army of Spider-Woman! Any ideas?" I asked her, "I'm trying something here... Did it work?" Another change happened, "Ya mostly I can deal with the rest. Thanks, O'Hara!" I thanked her for that.

After that I was making my way to the Archives room as I can, "Moving onto the next thing on our agenda..." "Good, Now focus. Get the schematics, We need. If you run into trouble. I can make modifications from here to simplify your path. " Welp! That's helpful, I guess. I am almost-- well pretty much close to the archives room. Then that strange voice I heard back in the sewer came back, "Better go back, Little bug before you get squashed. Bet you can't handle this." I'm REALLY having a bad feeling who this could possibly be, "Him again. Please... Let me be wrong about who this is..." I'm just praying for the love of mercy, please, PLEASE let me be wrong. I finally arrived at the Archives Room, I walked in after just taking down a lot of mechanical metal machine security guards and strike reinforcements. The system booted up when I entered the room, "OK, I'm here, So how do I access it?" , "Enter my password; LYLA, L-Y-LA." I entered it, but no luck, "Access denied." Figures, "Great. You got any other ideas?" "Let me think..." , "Wish I could say 'Open sesame' or 'Grant me access' or--" Then that's when the system light changed into green, "Request acknowledged. Access granted." Alright, That was just... uh... strange, "THAT was weird. Okay, Let's go over the start-up procedures." "Slow down, Rogers! It's not that simple!" "Do you fire up the quark enchaners? Activative tachyon relays?" I questioned, "Yes, Yes, I did all that! Will you--" "Uncouple the Heisenberg compensators?" "Yes of course I.. Shock it, No. I didn't." Wow. She FORGOT that?! Wow... Just... Wow, heh, "I was right? Wow I... Oh no..." Then my expression changed, I felt paralyzed with fear, "What's wrong?" "It's Johnny Storm. He dies! Tonight! Right there, At Alchemax!" I began to freak out and panic, "How did you know... For shock's sake, Rogers! What part of 'Don't poke around in the archives' was unclear?!" "Fine, I'm a nosy, Rogers! But now that I found out..." "It's what? My job to save him? I got enough to deal with." When I just heard, I clenched my hand into a fist, and that made me very FURIOUS and ANGRY about that, "You can't mean that! You can't just ignore that he's in danger!" "Hey, I'm trying to focus on what's important." "What's important is not standing by and allowing someone to suffer or die because you do nothing! If you don't get that. Then you don't get the first thing about being Spider-Woman." I know, Can't save everyone but still can save as many. I have lost a lot through last year. Uncle John was shot and killed, Peter Parker died in the Carnage Massacre. And my brother James Rogers, I can't even bare to talk about that even if I wanted to. All because I was helpless to save them, but letting someone suffer or die is someone who doesn't care and if she doesn't then she has no rights calling herself Spider-Woman. I don't care, that's a self-centered and selfish person, "You're the one who doesn't get it, Rogers. The future depends on--" "My future is meaningless without him!" I cried out, "This is going to be a huge mistake." "I owe you, Alex. Big time." "Shockin' right you do. But maybe this'll help even the score for everything the world owes you." "Thank you . I mean that. Man, I must have been crazy to think about staying here. If People I love are going to be in danger then I need to be there to help them. Oh, Now what?" I overheard something, it was that mysterious voice again, "Did I hear you talking about someone you love? I think that's my cue, Spider..." Holy crow, "Holy... It.. It IS him..."

(Why Johnny has to be save in the next update chapter is because I think I'm going to set it when Alchemax prevents a human being cosmic powers (since Fantastic Four powers a cosmic radiation based) it costs problem, that's probably how it will play out but eh who knows...)

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