16- Otis: Why She Cries

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I walked into the school cafeteria and waved at my friends sitting at our table. They were crowded around one kid's phone. I walked over them and tried to see what they were looking at. "Dude," Adrian said excitedly and looked up at me," did you push Penny Mahoy into a river last week?"

I furrowed my brows then I grabbed the phone out my friend's hand thinking it was a video of me doing it. I had just gotten over a migraine. I couldn't get caught up in more trouble.

"Hey!" He yelled.

I stared at the picture. It was the kind of picture no one would want others to see. The kind that would start an uproar if they were leaked of celebrities, but gain mockery from others when the girl in it had no celebrity status. I'd rather not describe the photo. Just know it was inappropriate, and disgusting, and hurtful, and that if someone ever shared one like that of someone I care about... I blinked twice feeling puke crawling up my throat. "Isn't that Betty F?"

My friend snatched his phone back, shaking his head. "Yeah. It is."

I looked around the cafeteria for Dalta. "Isn't she our age?"

"She's sixteen," Adrian mocked. "She acts grown so she got something grown. Pretty sure this is the guy she eloped with."

I froze. "Eloped? What do you mean eloped?"

"Apparently, she eloped... That's what her dad said."

I couldn't believe it. How hadn't we heard about this? "Who would she have eloped with? I don't get it. Was she dating anyone else?" My eyes met Todd's. He was looking at me with a suspicious squint.

"I don't know, man." Adrian shook his head in annoyance. "Why do you care?"

"Because this was posted without the girl's consent, Adrian. I have a sister-"

"I have a sister too and she sleeps around. She acts like she wants everyone to see her naked, so if someone did this to her, why should I care?"

My jaw locked. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I wasn't close with these guys. I'd only tolerated them so I would have somewhere to sit and some warm bodies to be around. Their immaturity irritated me, but they laughed at anything I said and would have interesting arguments about movies and stuff like Marvel vs. DC, or Superman vs. Captain Marvel. They would joke about the fact that Captain Marvel was a girl and would "obviously lose to the guy." They would point out the shorts a girl was wearing as she walked by and one of them would whistle and then point at the other, and we would all laugh at it. They would talk about girls and say things that if taken seriously and acted on would probably land them in court. But it was just joking...they were joking. They never meant any of the things they said. They and every other guy made these sorts of jokes. Every other guy but Todd.

He sat glaring at Adrian. "Do you not hear yourself?"

Adrian looked at him. "What?"

Todd shook his head. "Never mind."

"So," Adrian said looking at me and ignoring Todd completely," did you?"

"What?" I said a little too harshly.

"Push Penny into the river?"

I sighed. "I did but-"

The gang erupted with noise.

"Dude," Adrian cheered and threw his arm over my shoulder. "Thank you! It's about time someone tried to kill her. She's the queen of whining in this school."

I shrugged. "She's actually not that bad-"

Someone touched my shoulder. The guys got quiet. I turned back. My heart began to thump hard in my chest. It was Dalta soaking wet, her hair much fluffier than it was that morning. She looked distraught. I quickly stood. "Hey." I touched her wet shoulders. "What's going on?"

"This is my fault." She began to cry.

"No, it isn't. Stop blaming yourself. Did Taylor find you?"

"No." She shook her head tucking her hair behind her ears. "I fell asleep on the bleachers outside and the rain woke me up then I looked at my phone and Penny had texted me the picture."

I looked back at the guys. They were staring at Dalta and chuckling. I clenched my jaw, then tried to block her from their view. "Let's go somewhere else."

We walked out of the cafeteria and started walking down the hallway. "I want to go home," Dalta's voice cracked and her eyes began to sparkle with tears again.

I used to get upset by her constant crying, but now I understood why she did it. Her heart was always breaking for little things. She cared too much. I sighed. "Go get your bag...I'll get mine."

She walked away in tears.

Taylor walked out of the girl's bathroom. "Feeling better?" She smiled, then she saw Dalta walking down the hallway and her smile faded.

I glared at her. "Did you look for her like I asked you to-"

"Yes!" Taylor said a little too quickly.

"You didn't."

"I..." Taylor sighed and shook her head. "She's all you talk about since we started hanging out. And you're always with her. I just thought she was fine-"

"You did this because you thought I had slept with her?"

Taylor bowed her head.

"Why would I..." I shut my eyes.

"I really like you and I get competitive. Please don't ditch me because of that."

I stared at Taylor. "I'll think about it."

She let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you-"

"I didn't say we were okay. I asked you to do something for me and you didn't because you were selfish. I told you Dalta was sick and you ignored her because you couldn't care less."

Taylor frowned. "I'm sorry."

"Yeah," I looked down. "Of course, you are."

Dalta walked over to me holding two bags. She handed me mine. "Here. I took it from Todd."

"Thanks." I put it on my back.

"Where are you guys going?" Taylor looked at Dalta.

"I'm taking her to the nurse, then we're going home. See," I tilted my head, "Dalta fell asleep on the bleachers and the rain came. So now she's getting a cold." I glared at Taylor one more time, then I held Dalta's wrist and started to pull her away. I could feel Taylor staring at us as we walked away, but I wasn't sure if I cared about her anymore.

I helped Dalta into my car, opening the door for her. She sat down on the seat and I grabbed the seat belt pulling it over to the buckle. It clicked and I was about to pull away when she grabbed my hand. I stared at her and she stared back. Then I slowly leaned my face closer to hers. I kissed her. I pulled away and looked at her. A soft smile spread across her face. I smiled back and got out of the car, shutting the door. I walked around the front of the car and got in fastening my seat belt. I turned back to Dalta. She sat with her legs curled up on the seat and her body turned towards me. Her eyes were closed. I smiled at her, then I started the car.

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