52- Otis: Toxic

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I looked over at Dalta. She sat curled up in the seat, her neck breaking from how her head leaned against the door. I wanted to help her; fix her head into a more comfortable position. But I was infuriated by her. I wanted to hate her. I cleared my throat. "So?" I looked at Penny and Todd in the rear view mirror. "Who's staying with her?"

Todd glared at me. He mumbled something.

"What's that, Todd? Say it loud so I can hear you-"

He suddenly leaned forward looking at me in the rear-view mirror. "I said SCREW you, Otis," he pointed at my head behind the seat. His hand trembled.

"Really?" I glared back at him.

He sat back staring out the window. "I'll stay with her."

I chuckled. "No, you won't-"

He looked at me. "Why not?"


"Because you didn't expect me to volunteer, right?"

My jaw clenched.

"You expected Penny to volunteer. But I'll stay... As long as it gets her away from you."

My eye began to twitch. "You're not staying with her-"

"Otis," Penny sighed looking down at her phone. Her fingers danced on the screen. "Come on. Honestly, I'm beginning to think you should be the one to leave us. You should go home-"


"BECAUSE YOU'RE TOXIC!" Todd shouted holding his forehead.

I looked at Dalta. She didn't budge

"How can you not see that?"

"How am I toxic-"

"You don't care about anyone but yourself. Even when you find someone who you actually care about."

I looked at him. "What? Are you jealous that I'm giving Dalta so much attention-"

"No, you idiot. I'm jealous of you."

I furrowed my brows. "Why would you-"

"I like her," he gushed and shrugged, shaking his head. "But you love her, so I did what best friends do. I stepped back. But you...you're not good for her."

"And you are?"

"I'm much better than you are-"

"Todd, Dalta sees nothing in you. Just like she sees nothing in me or any other guy. She can't love anyone if she can't love herself."

"She doesn't love me, but she understands me. She understands you and that's why she doesn't want to be with you. You're a terrible, terrible person, Otis."

I glared at the road.

"I've asked her out before."

I held my breath.

"But she told me that she couldn't go out with me because she already had someone in mind."

I looked at Dalta.

"I can tell you're trying to get better. But for what? For Dalta?"

I turned away.

"She broke your heart and you stopped trying to change. You just...stopped caring about her. Or showing it at least. A person like her...who can't think straight because she gets overwhelmed with emotions and does things to hurt herself...just like you, doesn't need another person like her in her life. She needs people who will help her not only when she's in a good mood but when she does things to hurt herself. And I'm sorry but...you're not good for her. We're not good for each other. We're all just... toxic." He looked out the window. "Honestly, you're so angry that you're inches away from becoming abusive. Trust me."

I frowned. Todd was right. I was terrible. He wasn't toxic. Especially not to Dalta. He was the best person for both of us and I hated that. He was the right person for her. I glared at him gripping the wheel at the thought.

I pulled the car into the new motel and got out heading to the front desk. I told them who sent me, paid for a room then made my way back to the car. Penny was standing by the trunk getting the bags. I furrowed my brows looking around for Todd. Dalta's door suddenly opened. I rushed over to her. Todd leaned over her in the car. I grabbed him by his jacket and pulled him out of the car throwing him to the ground.

"What the..." He looked up at me with furrowed brows.

"Stay away from her!" I barked pointing at him.

He stood, pushing me back. I stumbled backwards. Todd was a little taller than I was. He was about five seven but he was skinny. I quickly grabbed his shirt throwing a punch and hitting him square in the jaw. He stumbled to the ground again then quickly got up. He swung his fist at me and knocked me in the eye. I quickly tackled him letting him have it. I just kept punching and punching. I hated Todd. I hated how compatible he was with Dalta. He was almost perfect for her. He saw problems in her that I couldn't or refused see. And he knew how to help her. He knew how to help me.

Penny quickly pushed me off of Todd. I fell to the ground then turned to him prepared to attack him again. But...my body froze. My skin began to crawl. I couldn't recognize my best friend. His entire face was covered in blood and he laid unconscious.

Penny grabbed me by my jacket with both hands lifting me to my feet. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Penny shook me.

I looked at Todd. He groaned rolling on his side.

Penny let me go and I stumbled back. She helped Todd to his feet. He looked at me through his untouched eye and slowly shook his head. "I called Peter," Penny stared at me. "He's on his way."

I bowed my head.

"I called him this morning when I heard you and Dalta arguing... Honestly, Otis? I thought I was in love with and that you could be fixed with love. But I was naïve. You need more than that. You need help."

I nodded, tears stinging my eyes.

"Peter's should be here soon-"

Todd sighed. "We'll go-"

"What?" Penny yelled.

I lifted my head. "Why?"

Todd shrugged. "Dalta... She can't see what you did to my face... She's been through enough already."

I stared at Todd. "You're leaving me with her? After everything I did-"

"Because I care...about both of you."

I frowned. "I'm sorry-"

"You weren't sorry before you attacked me." He limped away.

Penny walked over to me. "You need to change, Otis. Not just for her...but for yourself. You're going to end up alone if you don't." She turned away shaking her head and following Todd.

I slowly walked over to the open door. Dalta's seat had been adjusted. It was titled back so she could lay with her head rested comfortably on the seat. Todd had done that because he had cared so much about her. He was good for her. And I was toxic.

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