22- Otis & Dalta: Find that Phone

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I sat beside Taylor staring at her at the corner of my eye. Dalta hadn't told me which phone had the pictures. Taylor had left the old one at home. She turned to me. "Huh, babe?"

I looked at her. "Huh?"

"Today was awesome," she gushed and rubbed my shoulder.

I smiled at her and nodded. "Yeah. It was...just awesome."

She stared at me. "What's wrong?"

I turned to the road. "What do you mean?"

"You seem tense."

I sighed formulating a story in my head. I know...lying. "It's just...Dalta and I had this fight. She's suddenly interested-"

She pulled her hand away from my shoulder. "I knew that would happen."

"Yeah...," I gulped. "And I feel like she's only come to that conclusion because we're dating."

"Dalta's always been obsessive."

I furrowed my brows. "Why do you say that?"

"Dalta's really weird. When her friend was dating my brother, she got really possessive."

"You have a brother?" I pretended to be surprised, lifting my brows and gasping a little. "Is he older or younger?"

"He's...," she realized she'd said too much. "He's older."

"I have a younger sister. Her name's Angela. She's eleven."

"That's cute." She turned away.

I nodded slowly. "So-"

"My brother's name is Chad."

I furrowed my brows and squinted. "Wait," I put my acting skills into practice. "Chad as in the Chad that was dating Betty F.?"


"Wow...You're one of those kids."


"I don't get why so many kids with money go to our boring, old school."

"I used to go to a private school... An all girls?... But I transferred our after..."

I held my breath waiting for to finish.

"I got into a fight with this senior girl... I mean, my friends helped me beat her up, but that wasn't because I'd asked them to."

I stared at the road a little shocked. When I'd met Taylor, she seemed...sane and normal. Not that fighting wasn't a normal behavior...but from Taylor? "What-" I cleared my throat. "What was it over?"

She snickered and shook her head. "Her boyfriend."

I pursed my lips and furrowed my brows. "What?"

"I get really defensive and the guy was dating both of us... Her first though... I knew that she was with him before he started talking to me."

I slowly nodded.

"I was a naive kid and I guess I thought we were meant to be together or some crap... I just wanted that genuine attention he gave me. And I thought what we had was real... The girl found out and tried to beat me up, so my friends attacked her..."


She got quiet then turned to me. I could feel her stare. "Does that change the way you see me?"

We glared at the red light. My view of her didn't have to change. I hated her. I turned to her and smiled. "Nothing will change the way I see you."

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