Chapter 5

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Rose heard footsteps from upstairs, so she quickly made her way to the lunch room. Once there, she took a breath of relief. Rose set her stack of books an papers and set down.
'I am sure glad I packed a lunch.' Rose thought as she took out her little lunch bag.
As she was opening up her lunch bag, Rose can faintly hear the sound of chattering students and soon, the lunch room became noisy.
Meanwhile, Jack rushed to his locker to put his books away and grab his lunch bag.
'Now, if I can just get to the lunch room without incident. Then I'll be good to go.' Jack thought as he weaves his way to the lunch room.
When Jack finally entered the lunch room, the well known bullies weren't too far behind. And Bobby was the leader.
Bobby was about to make a move on Jack when he just happen to glance to a woman eating and reading a piece of paper from this stack that was by her side.
This woman was Rose.
Bobby refocused his attention to Rose.
"Hey there~ What's your name sweet stuff?" Bobby said as he approached her with a smirk on his face.
"You may call me Ms. Swan, Bobby." Rose said as she makes no eye contact with Bobby.
Before Bobby could speak, the principals secretary told him to get back in the lunch line.
Jack, coincidentally, sat right behind Rose.
Neither of them made eye contact with each other.

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