Chapter 18

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When last period came along, Jack got very excited to see Rose. And it was evident that he was excited by how he tries to get to English class as fast as possible.
But only to be disappointed....
Because Rose wasn't there. Jack looked around the room to try to find Rose but all he could find us the Principal. Jack went and slumped in his desk.
Jack was too disappointed that he didn't even notice that the other students came in. Jack didn't even notice that the bell rang.
"Jack!" The Principal shouted.
Jack's head snapped to the Principal.
"Get your head outta the clouds Jack. I was trying to talk to you." The Principal said.
"Sorry Principal Watson." Jack said.
"That's okay Jack. Anywaysys, your Substitute Teacher Ms. Swan had to leave early because of a personal issue. So, I will be teaching just for today." Principal Watson said.
Jack suddenly felt what only could be described as a pair. like feeling g in his heart and he became very worried.
Meanwhile, Rose made her long and emotional walk to home alone. And once Rose had got home; she couldn't walk anymore.
Rose fell to the floor.
At the school, the final bell rang and surprisingly; Jack was the first one out of the school.
Jack was so worried about Rose that he was speeding to her place. And once he got to Roses place; Jack quickly shut off and locked his car. Rushing to the door to find it unlocked.
This perturbed Jack. He slowly opened the door and slowly shut it behind him.
"Ms. Swan?" Jack called out.
There was no answer.
Jack made his way to the two closet doors. Opening the door to the basement.
"Ms. Swan?" Jack called out towards the basement.
There was no answer, so Jack closed that door.
Opening the door to Roses house, "Ms. Swan?" Jack called out.
Even though there was no answer, Jack had a gut feeling that she was up there. Jack slowly made his way up the stairs to find Rose, collapsed in the door way.
Jack's eyes widened and he rushed to her side.
"Ms. Swan!" Jack exclaimed.
Rose tried to hide her face and get up. But she was so shakened that she stumbled. Luckily Jack was there to catch her and help her to the couch. Rose did everything that she could to hide her face.
"Ms. Swan. Are you okay?" Jack asked jitterdly.
"I'm fine Jack." Rose quietly said.
"Now that's the biggest lie ever." Jack said as he made Rose look at him.
And what he saw upsetted him.

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