Chapter 22

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The night went smoothly, everyone was laughing and smiling; everyone had a good time. Then it came time for Rose to go home, Jack went to go grab his jacket while Mrs. Reid and Rose say goodbye to each other.
"Thank you so much Mrs. Reid for inviting me to dinner." Rose said.
"You're welcome Ms. Swan. Anytime you wanna come over for anything, you are more than welcome to." Mrs. Reid said as she hugs Rose.
Rose picked up what she was saying and hugged back.
"Thank you so very much for Mrs. Reid." Rose said as she tries to calm herself.
Jack comes over and he stopped an smiled; taking in what he is seeing.
"It is time to go Malady. Unless you wanna stay the night?" Jack teased.
Mrs. Reid and Rose playfully slapped Jack's shoulder.
"JACK!" Both Mrs. Reid and Rose said.
Then with smiling faces, Jack takes Rose home; leaving Mrs. Reid waving an smiling at the doorway.
On the way to Roses place, there was no sound to be heard. But it was comfortable. Both Jack and Rose couldn't stop smiling on the way to Roses place. When Jack reached a stop light, he looked over to Rose to see her smiling and asleep. Jack chuckled softly to himself and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. The light turned green and they were back on their way to Roses place.
Rose was still asleep when Jack pulled up to her place. With a soft chuckle an smile, Jack shuts off the car and goes around to carry Rose to her room. There was some struggle trying to get into Roses place and to her room, but the way that Jack did it; it made him look like a professional. Tucking Rose into bed. Smiling and then giving her a kiss on the forehead, Jack made his way back home.
Once home, Jack took a deep breath and walks in the house. He noticed that the lights were still on, so when he was inside; Jack looked around for his Mom and his sister's. But he found no one in the dining room. Not in the Kitchen. Not in the game room. Not upstairs. But he finally finds his Mom in the living room.
"Hey Jack. Did she make it home safe?" Mrs. Reid asked.
"Yeah she did. She actually fell asleep on the way there. So, when we got there, I just carried her inside and tucked her in bed." Jack said as he sat down on the couch.
"That's good. Good good. Your sisters are staying over at a friend's house. I figured it's late enough that they can stay until morning." Mrs. Reid said as she stared into space.
"Okay." Jack said.
"Jack.....You need to keep your distance from her after her car gets fixed. I don't want you getting mixed up in her jumble of messes." Mrs. Reid said in a serious tone.
"Why Mom? There's nothing wrong with her." Jack said defensively.
"Jack Woodrow Reid. I said stay away from her. I mean it. I don't want you getting hurt because of her. That's the end of discussion " Mrs. Reid said sternly.
"Yes Mom." Jack said with a deep and sad sigh.
"Good. Now off to bed. You have school in the morning." Mrs. Reid said.
"Okay. Goodnight Mom." Jack said as he gets up and goes to his room.
"Goodnight Jack. I love you." Mrs. Reid said, still sitting in the couch.
"I love you too Mom." Jack said as he went inside his room and gently closes the door.
Inside Jack's room. Jack sits down on his bed and slumped over. Putting his head in his hands. Jack silently cried. He had no idea why it made him so very sad but it did. And all night that's night, Jack cries himself to sleep.
In the morning, it was quite awkward in to Reid's household. The twins got home and goes straight to the kitchen sweet both Jack an Mrs. Reid is. The twins can tell that there was something wrong but they didn't say ask. At least, not right at this moment.
Mrs. Reid and Jack were both silent, not speaking behind the words of 'Good morning' and 'i love you.' The awkwardness was so thick between them that it developed a certain type of smell that made your stomach uneasy.
Jack gets up and grabs his backpack and off he went to go pick up Rose. Leaving two very confused sisters and one stressed out Mother.
Meanwhile, Rose awaken to a bright and big smile upon her face. She literally hopped out bed and got dressed. She even went all the way to making heart a proper breakfast; instead of the blanket oatmeal or cereal. As she was finishing making her breakfast, her phone rang. So, she went to pick it up. It was the guy fixing her car.
After her super short conversation with the mechanic, Rose leaped for joy at the news. Her car was finally fixed and at a low price. But then she stopped for a moment, realising that that means no more car rides with Jack. No more lengthy talks. Then she thought, 'Tgat shouldn't matter. I'll still see him and interact with him at school. Yeah.'
Rose smiled and finished getting ready to meet Jack at the front. And of course, looking outside, here's Jack; sitting out in his car. Just waiting for Rose to come out. An come out, Rose did, she skipped out. Getting into his car and smiling.
"Good Morning Jack." Rose said.
"Good Morning Ms. Swan." Jack said as he starts to head to school.
"I have sorta great news. My car is fixed. And the mechanic isn't gonna charge me an arm an a left for the service." Rose said excitedly.
But Jack wasn't too excited. In fact, he was the opposite of excited; Jack was deeply sad. Jack didn't respond, didn't react, didn't pay any attention to Rose at all.
Rose looked at Jack worriedly, "Jack.......Is there something wrong?" Rose asked.

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