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  From that day forward, Jack and Rose dated. Thankfully, everything died down and everyone forgot all about Jack and Rose. Life was happy. Jack went to college for being a Therapist. During that time, Jack and Rose made things work. Even though things were long distance for several years, didn't mean that their love faded away. Oh deary no. in fact, their love grew deeper and stronger then ever before.
The love they have for each other and could move mountains.
When Jack came back, he landed a job immediatly. Rose got more customers. So many customers that she had to hire some help. Funny thing d was was that he help just so happened to be Jack's twin sisters.
The twins did a good job, learned allot. Rose had to break up a few fights or so. But things were good. Things were looking up. Until one day, when Jack came home. The look on his face worried Rose.
"Jack. Is everything okay?" Rose asked.
"No. I need to talk to you but not here." Jack said in a serious tone.
Rose nodded and locked up shop an followed Jack to the park. Jack didn't say anything, he just lead Rose to a Willow tree by the pond.
"Rose. There's something that I've been wanting to tell you." Jack said in a serious tone.
Rose was very worried, "Okay Jack. What is it?"
Jack got down on one knee and held out a ring. Rose gasps and smiled
"Rose Swan. The love of my life. Will you be my wife?" Jack asked with a smile.
"Yes Jack. A million times yes." Rose said.
Jack puts the ring on her hand and they hugged each other. Everyone was super excited, they didn't waste time getting married. Jack and rose gathered up all the people that's been by their side from the very beginning. Jack's family, Camilla's family an one preacher, that all it took for them to get married. And they got married at the same place Jack proposed to Rose at. Under that Willow tree by the pond. The wedding was held a month later, after Jack proposed. The wedding day went very smoothly. Jack and Rose said their vows and I do's. They sealed their love with a deep lovingly an passionate kiss.
Rose got her chance to toss the bouque. She always wanted to do that. Their honeymoon was amazing. They went to Washington DC. They saw the Smithsonian and all the museum's there. They had a great time. When they got back. They came back as Mr. and Mrs. Reid.
The next many years weren't always sunshine and rainbows, but whatever came their way; they dealt with it together. And together they had an amazing family. Their kids grew up while they grew old. But it never minded them none, as long as they had each other, they were happy.
The end.

"That's an amazing story Gran-Mama. Is it true?" A little girl squeakly asked.
The Grandmother chuckled, "Of course it is true."
"Who were they Gran-Mama?" The little girl asked.
"The Grandmother chuckled and smiled, "They were my Parents Darlin."
"Where are they now?" The little girl asked.
"Well Darlin, they both passed away together and walked together up to heaven." The Grandmother said to the little girl that was sitting on her lap.

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