Chapter 23

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  Pulling up to the school, Jack didn't say a word. Rose looked deeply concerned. She kept asking Jack if he was okay and she keeps getting the same answer every time. Just silence. It wasn't until Rose got out of the car that Jack finally said something. But it was something she didn't expect to hear.
"I'm sorry Ms. Swan, but this is the last time out paths cross. Goodbye." Jack quickly said an made it like flash an got outta there before he started to cry again.
Rose was left in the parking lot, confused and with this pain in her heart that she can't put her finger to what it was. Slowly, Rose made her way inside and to her classroom. After preparing for class, Rose slumped down in her chair and took a deep sigh. She fell numb, like someone had taken away something from her that she needed in order to survive. Like someone had taken her breath away.
When the students start to come in, she was still slumped in her seat. From then on, the day was slow, gloomy, and bland. Rose and Jack didn't see nor talked to each other. And when they got to their separate homes, it was like seeing a ghost for those that saw them.
"Mom. What's wrong with Jack?" Annabell asked her mother.
"Nothing. Finish your homework."  Mrs. Reid said as she watches her son walk up the stairs, silent and with a blank face.
Meanwhile, when Rose got home, she just went directly to bed. Didn't eat or drink nor did anything. Rose just plopped in the bed and cried until her body screamed for rest. 
The rest of Roses days substituting at the school were bland and gloomy. All except for her last day there. On the last day, things seemed to be normal until she got to her classroom to find paint on the chalkboard saying, "Please take me back or else."
Rose tried desperately to clean the paint off. But nothing could make the paint come off. She finally had to just leave it as student start to fill the classroom. An all the students couldn't avoid looking at it. Which made things very difficult for Rose to make her students pay attention to the task at hand.
Jack saw this too when he went to her classroom at the end of the day. Jack was very worried and scared for her, but there was nothing that he could do. He was told to stay away from Rose. Jack slumped in his chair even more as he sighs in sadness, for he couldn't do anything.
And when Jack got home, it was obvious that something was wrong.
"What's wrong Jack?" Mrs. Reid asked as she hurriedly made her way to her son.
Jack shrugged his shoulders, "Ms. Swan got a message from someone. Threatening her to get back with them. I only this because it was painted all I've the chalk board." Jack said in deep, bland voice.
Mrs. Reid sighed, "See. It's a good thing that you stay away from her. She's in something that she can't get out. It wouldn't have been good if you got caught up in her mess."
Jack didn't say a word, he just went to his room and stayed there for the rest of the day.
Meanwhile, Rose went home and locked every door and window. Then she ran to her room and shut the door and fell to the floor. Frantically trying to call her friend, whom she knew would be back home this evening. Once Rose got ahold of her friend, Rose asks her to come over. And Roses friend did. Rushing threw the doors, came Camilla Orion. Roses best friend and the teacher in the school that's Jack goes to.
Camilla just hugged Rose and reassured her that everything is gonna be okay. Rose was comforted by Camilla's words. And her words relaxes Rose.
"Just breath Rose. It's gonna be okay." Camilla said soothingly.
"Okay." Rose said as she did some breathing excercies.
"Good. Now, tell me.........How was school?" Camilla asked with a smile.
"It was ok at first then it got better by each passing day." Rose said with a smile, followed by a subconscious slight blush.
"What's that blush for Missy?" Camilla sang an teased.
"Nothing." Rose sang as she blushed more.
"Spill the beans girl. I caught you red handed." Camilla said with a smile.
"Okay. There was a very kind an sweet and gentlemen like boy at the school that helped me out." Rose gave in with a smile.
"A boy eh. Is it a Teacher?" Camilla asked curiously.
Rose didn't say anything, only smiled and blushed.
"Oh......My.......Dears......." Camilla said as she stares at her friend in shock.
Rose just nervously looked around the room and played with her hands.
Camilla looks straight into Roses eye, "Who? Which student?" Camilla asked.

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