Chapter 9

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Jack took his seat and slightly smiled when he saw Rose; back facing him an writing on the chalk board.
  "Okay class." Rose said as she turns around and smiles.
Which turns into a chuckle as soon as she sees Jack.
  "Okay class. My name is Ms. Swan. I am going to be your substitute Teacher for 2 weeks. Then your regular Teacher will be back. I am a little new, so bare with me." Rose said with a smile.
  one of the boys in the back row whistled and then said "Nice body Baby~"
Rose wasn't impressed with that.
  "First off, don't call me Baby. Second off, I am your Teacher first and foremost." Rose said as she looks at Bobby.
  For Bobby was the one who had whistled and called Rose Baby.
Then Rose grabs her book and starts to do her best to teach the class. Rose taught the class with great joy and a sense of fulfillment. Once she was done teaching, Rose handed out worksheets.
  "Okay class. Using what you have just learned, do the worksheets. And once you are done with the worksheets, read the next chapter of your book. Tomorrow, we will be discussing this chapter. So, it is important that you read this chapter." Rose said as she walks around to check an see if the students are actually doing their work and nothing else.
  Every once in a while Rose would have to take away someone's phone, but not too often. Then the bell rang.
  "Alrighty class, please finish your worksheets and turn them in tomorrow. And don't forget to read the next chapter in your book. An I'll see you guys tomorrow. Oh, Bobby and Jack; please stay awhile after class." Rose said as she stands at the front of the class and watches the students leave.
  Since Jack and Bobby were called to stay after class, they both just stayed in their seats. Once the other students left, Rose closed the door and went to her desk.
  "The reason you two have to stay here for awhile is because of that fight you two decided to have. I will not tolerate that kind of behavior. I'd you choose to continue that behavior then you will have to stay after class for as long as I think is necessary." Rose said in. serious tone.
  Jack nodded his head in understanding.
  "Okay. Sounds fair " Jack said as he starts to continue his homework.
But But Bobby did differently. Bobby huffed and puffed.
  "Don't you have work? You do do other work than this don't you? This isn't fair! I didn't start the fight! Jack did! I should be free! Jack should be the only one here!" Bobby exclaimed.
  "Watch your tone with me mister. I can work from anywhere. And I am doing this as a favor to a friend. I don't care who started the fight. This is fair and your just gonna have to suck it up." Rose said as she's goes back to working on editing some photos.
  Bobby acted like Rose was being mean to him. Jack just quietly chuckled as he continued his work. After a while, Rose checks the clock and decides it's time to go home.
  "Okay boys. You're free to go home. Don't fight again and I'll see you tomorrow." Rose said as she packs her things.
  Bobby was relived, to say it mildly. Bobby then rushed out of the classroom. Jack started to chuckle quietly as he packed. But then, when Jack was done packing; he walked up to Rose.
  "Thank you for stopping the fight. I probably would have killed him." Jack said.
  Rose smiled, "You're welcome Jack."
  "May I walk you out?" Jack asked, but then he added; "It's the least I can do."
  "Okay. Thank you." Rose said as she follows Jack out of the classroom.

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