Chapter 1

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It's really different in here... It's beautiful, well our country is beautiful too but London has its appeal no wonder why lots of people wishes to go here. It's like vintage meets the modern world and all the red phonebooths, double decker buses are around the city! I should take a pic; Oh, the Big Ben and the London Eye finally right infront of my eyes, is this really happening? 

For a little while I forgot how nervous I was about the fact that I am about to meet Harry Styles... yes, Harry Styles of One Direction in the flesh.

Am I here for their concert tour? Yes.

Am In the VIP Section? Yes.

Am I rich enough to be able to afford all these? No. He is.

He flew me here so I could watch him and meet me as well for the first time.

I know, I know you have lots of questions running through your head right now.. like, how in the world? WHY?

Alright, 3 months ago I was so obsessed with my new phone, it was my graduation gift from my parents and I was at a phase in my life where I was looking for a job going on interviews over and over again in short, I was unemployed. Hello, reality to me. I was bored and one of my friends recommended this app called 'SHAKE' where in you shake your phone and then after, it will match you with someone anywhere in the world who was shaking its phone too the same time you were shaking yours. It was cool cause you can also record your voice and send it to the person you're chatting so it's like instagram, facebook, and viber combined. Sounds like I'm promoting an app huh? Well, whatever; but you guys should try it. Download it. Now. For this changed or should I say 'SHAKED' my life. And I hope it shakes yours too; in a good way, ofcourse.

As for mine, yes it absolutely turned my world upside down. The good side is that Harry Styles flew me here to have about a month of vacation all expense paid by him, I'm about to go on tour with them around Europe cause he actually booked me at hotels (through his assistant Liv Taylor) in every single city they will perform he told me he can't book me in the same hotel they will be staying for it will stir up attention from the media and from their management so what he did is book me to hotels near them and gave me VIP tickets in every show. He, Harry Styles is chatting with me and told me he can't wait to finally meet ME.


Yes, ME. But kinda not me that he was expecting.

That's the bad side.

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