⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Fucked Up Pasts ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇

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Natalie's eyes were the size of dobby from Harry Potter. For a moment I feared that she would over react, make a scene out of this but I knew better. Natalie has really good self composure (except for her temper) and will think twice before doing something. (Again with an exception for her temper.)

I met June Ferraris at my restaurant. She came there to eat and I found her rather attractive, so after she left I plucked all my courage and asked her if she would like to hang out with me. To my surprise she said yes! We began meeting often and I slowly fell in love with her.

At first I didn't know the she was part of "The Ferraris" family. I actually got to know only yesterday when Natalie mentioned that I had to get a date for May Ferraris engagement reception.

So yesterday I went and asked her.

"June, I was wondering if you want to be my date for an engagement reception" I asked.

"Babe, is that even a question to ask? You know I love you and I will come anywhere with you. Anyways whose engagement reception is it?"

"May Ferraris. You know, Jacob Ferraris sister." I said, casually. But her eyes started watering. I sat next to her and put my hand on her shoulder.

"What happened?"

"Ethan, you know I don't lie to you and I won't. May Ferraris is my twin sister" I was shocked . How was she May's sister?


"It may sound tragic and shit but most of the people's past are fucked up and mine certainly is. We all were a happy family, you know. Me, May, Jacob and mom and dad were all very happy and I couldn't have wished for a better family but I should've know better.

May was always the social girl. She would change her boyfriend almost every week. She has had more boyfriends then my friends. So my parents thought that she can't force May to do anything but they can force me to do whatever they wanted me to. Don't get me wrong, I love May. But my parents wanted me to marry a random man. That time my dad was in charge of the company and to increase and expand the business he made a deal with his friend. He was forcing me into marriage.

I didn't want to Marry at that age, I was 21 years old and I wanted to explore the world and study fashion designing. So I did what no one thought I would do, I ran away.

I know I caused great shame to my family and my parents hate me and I am pretty sure my brother does too. But May doesn't. She sent me letters which I never replied to."

I was shocked beyond words. My girl had such a past. Well we both did. I told her my past too. The fact that my own father used get drunk and beat me up and Natalie and that we ran away. Another thing we both had in common. Running away.

"So you don't want to go to the reception. If you don't want to go then we won't go"

After a long time she said " I want to go. I am not scared of them or something, you were invited to the reception and I will be your date"

I looked at her beautiful face and kissed her. God I love this woman.

I told Natalie, June's story and she understood. Of course I skipped the kissing part.

"Well, you have no idea how pleased I am to see you." Natalie said to June. As if she knew something else "This is going to be one hell of a reception"

I know there is something going on, some other than June.


Hey guys, how is this chapter?? Do you realise what I did? May and June? Geddit??

Keep reading and voting and commenting 😍



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