Chapter 1

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I found peace when the sobs and whimpers went out finally. This one's a tough fighter, but she needed to rest.

I went to the kitchen to get a garbage bag. While reaching for the bag, I peeked at my window and noticed that the sky is turning orange, soon enough darkness will engulf the whole surroundings. I gotta get all of this done before night falls.

I slid her inside the garbage bag and tied it securely. She's a little big but I can handle it. Once I secured the bag, I walked to the basement to get something.

As I opened the door, a horrible stench welcomed me. Too bad I forgot about this one last week, should have remembered to settle it all before it smells. I went to the far corner and pulled something, another black bag. I held my breath when I opened it, damn thing keeps on rotting. Why do people still suffer even at after-death?

I closed the bag again and carried it upstairs, back with the other garbage bag. One by one I loaded them unto my car and started the engine. I must get there fast.

I sped up and luckily no police was around, making me get in there after an hour. Darkness is already seeping it's way through Earth.

I pulled the two trash bags with two 'already-peaceful' thing until we reached my spot. It was the deepest and safest part of the forest where people and animals won't accidentally come by. I dig two rectangular holes into the available space enough to contain the two people I've saved. Then, after that, I laid them unto the grave and slowly piled back the dirt in them.

'May peace be with you'

After almost an hour of working, I went back to my car and drove off.

What another tiring day.

I've saved another life this day.

She was this woman I saw at the supermarket two days ago. She was all too gloomy while everyone around her seemed to get on well with their lives. Things probably isn't that good with her. Then I decided to follow her to her home, there I saw her suffer from ever loud toddlers screaming at her and another monster (a baby) giving her another headache. I asked myself where the woman's husband is until a drunkard entered the house and treated her like slave. Glad I ended all that woman's suffering now.

She may have cried and screamed and begged a lot while I do my ways at saving her but other than than, at least she's rested now. And finally at peace.

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