Chapter 30

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They say experiences make a human. They are life-long and will affect the succeeding years someone will live. Experiences shape the human to become better or worse. I chose to become better.

I never thought I could break away from that man who abducted me.

I remember how made up my mind was when I shattered the mirror and picked up a piece of it. The feeling of the sharp edge cutting through my skin, the hot water burning it as I dropped my hands, the relief I felt when I finally found myself losing consciousness, I can still feel them.

Only one thing was in my mind that moment, 'I was finally free.'

But imagine how shocked I have been when I found myself in a white room, laid down a comfortable bed with needles buried down my skin.

I didn't believe I was alive that time, until a doctor came and informed me of what I went through.

I was abducted by a man.

I witnessed how that man torture innocent people and put an end to sinful individuals.

I almost killed myself by slitting my wrist.

I was brought to the hospital by the same man who made me do it to myself. I was saved by the person I least expected to do so.

Then the man who abducted me was finally caught by the police and he was put behind bars with a sentence of a lifetime to pay for his sins.

I remember how hard I cried that day. I was hysterical. I couldn't believe the happenings were even real.

Doctors, nurses, police and media went in and out of my room. They visited me everyday for the whole duration I was being treated in the hospital. Doctors and nurses checked my state and even made sure I was still sane. Police came to verify the events that happened while Tyler Ross had me captive. Media interviewed me about the whole abduction thing.

It was a mess.

And after several months, the topic died down. I was finally able to rest and let realization sink into me, that Tyler will never be able to hurt me again.

I managed to move on from that disastrous experience. I managed to finish my studies and settle for a job. I managed to find someone who would accept me and my past, and I was then married.

Now, after 5 years, I can finally say that it was all in the past and it didn't bother me anymore. My husband and I will welcome our second baby four months from now and I could never be happier.

I managed to regain the smile I lost since Sally died.

I smiled as I stared at my baby bump in front of the mirror. I caressed it softly and sighed happily.

I was brought back from my thoughts when my phone rang outside. I remember I left it in the kitchen table so I walked my way downstairs. I passed by the living room and found that the tv was still on, my husband sleeping in front of it.

I shook my head and went to my phone first.

I swiped to answer it.

"Hello?" I asked.

I furrowed my eyebrows when no one answered from the other end of the call.

I checked the caller ID but it wasn't registered.

"Hello?" I repeated as I made my way to the living room and look for the remote.

".. escaped while serving his sentence in the psychiatric ward. Police are still searching--"

I turned off the tv to concentrate on the caller.

"Who's this?" I asked for the third time.

"If you're not going to answer then I'm ending this call," I said just as a knock came to the door.

I rolled my eyes and went to it, still clutching the phone beside my ear.

I looked at the screen and saw my friend, Julie in front of my door. What's she doing here this late at night?

I unlocked the door, one by one because we had three locks for safety, and opened it. I was met by Julie's stare.

"Julie?" I smiled at her as I roamed my eyes on her face.

Then I noticed. She didn't even blink since I saw her from the screen and her face was pale, her lips were dry. Just as I was about to ask her what's wrong, she dropped down the ground to reveal me someone from behind her.

I was frozen in my place. My mouth hung agape. After five years, I felt this unique fear surge though my whole body again.

I gulped and tried to close the door but he managed to block it with his hands.

He stared at my eyes and smirked,

"I missed your smile, my Sheanne."


I'd like to thank all of you who stayed with me till this crappy end.
Thanks for waiting for my rare updates and reading this story even though the plot's not perfect.

Thank youu~ 😘


Votes and Comments are also appreciated✨

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