Chapter 13

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A knock came on the door which awakened both Ariela and me. I opened my eyes to be met by another darkness.

"Wake up, you two." A voice said from upstairs. I looked at the only door and there he was, peeking at the two of us. "You should have your bath."

Me and Ariela looked at each other. "Bath?" She asked.

"Looks like he's still in the right mind to let us wash up." I told her and helped her to stand up.

As we exited that dim room, our eyes were met by super bright lights. I squinted my eyes to adjust to the brightness.

Tyler was wearing hid mask again, what's the point of wearing that if we already saw the face behind it? Weird man. He escorted us upstairs and showed us the bathroom. Then he said, "Your clothes will be on this room," as he points to the adjacent room, "call me if you're done."

"You first." I told Ariela and she nodded.

After she entered the bathroom, Tyler came back. "In case you're planning to escape, you can't. My house is well sealed."

"Hold on," I stopped him when he was about to go downstairs. He looked at me. "What's up with this 'nice' treatment? In the history of abducting, you're the only one to let your victims take a bath. Are you insane?" I askef him casually.

He just stared at me for a few seconds then turned his back, leaving me unanswered for the second time.

Ariela came out 30 minutes later and then I went inside next. "I'll wait for you at that room." She said before heading to the room our clothes were in.

I nodded before closing the door.

I roamed my eyes on the surroundings. The bathroom was clean, he was really a clean person. I inspected every corner in case there's a camera and when I was sure that there's none, I stripped.

I stepped inside the shower room and let the warm water touch my skin. I felt my skin shiver as they were touched by water again after 6 days.

I rubbed my back only to feel the healed and new scars made by my uncle's belt.

I guess this life of mine is far better than my past one. No one to order me around, no pressure about how to earn money, and just wait until that crazed man finish my life.

I then let my tears follow the flow of the shower.

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