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I just want to welcome my new readers❤️ Glad to have you

"do you believe in love?" Bell asks 

John frowns "in love?" he asks "why wouldn't I?" 

"because it doesn't exist?" 

"you never had somebody who loved you?" John asks 

They're walking in the castle grounds.Side by side while the breeze blows against them. It's in the afternoon, about an hour before sunset. Ever since John spoke with her that day she found herself with him often. Usually in their breaks when they're free to take a walk and talk for a while. The conversation with Arthur has kept her up for a week now. She hasn't slept well from that day. She feels a mixture of emotions. She feels bad for being so cold, she feels disgusted because she doesn't believe in this love crap, she feels cheated because he told her he cared about her and he doesn't, she's angry that he just spat that at her and said nothing else. She's overwhelmed with emotions. The only good thing about this is her not being able to sleep means no more nightmares about witches and witch craft. Count your blessings where you find them. 

" family..." she says "family is different...family love you because  they live with you and they actually know you for who you are. Strangers only know what you want them to know. It's not the same"

he shrugs "I don't know" he says "All I can think about is getting my knighthood. I can't afford to think about anything else" 

"how's your training?" she asks 

"I failed" he says "again" 

she sighs sadly "oh.."

"I'm too weak..." he says "and pathetic"

"you're not weak and you're not pathetic" she says "You'll make it. I know you will-"

he shakes his head "whatever I don't want to think about it right now" 

she drops the subject and welcomes the silence. 

"what made you ask about love anyway?" he suddenly says, sounding more chipper "was it Richard?" 

she stops in her tracks as an uncontrollable smile spreads softly on her face "Richard?" she asks "what about Richard?" 

"he likes you"

she laughs softly"no he doesn't"

"yes he does" John says "and he's been meaning to talk to you for months now" 

"well why doesn't he?" she asks 

"he's probably shy" he says "at least that's what Simon told me"

she looks down, her face hot "that's really sweet..."

"You're blushing" he says and she scoffs as they resume their walk "whatever"

"you don't believe in love you say?" 

"shut up John" 


they both sharply turn around. It's the head of the medical building. She's hurrying towards them. Bell inches backwards, closer to John. 

"there you are!" she says when she reaches them. She's out of breath and red in the face "I was looking all over for you!"

"why were you looking for me?" she asks slowly "I don't work with you anymore"

"change of planes" she snaps "you're being transferred back to my building"

Bell blinks at her "wh-"

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