Characters explained

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Hermione Granger: In the starting, a young seven year old, who hasn't been given information about her mysterious past or her mother. Living with her muggle father and squib brother who do not seem to care about the young Hermione. She is later invited to join a school for witchcraft and wizardry and she proves as a hero to the wizardimg world by ridding them of the most feared goddess, Hela.
Ethan: Hermione's best friend at Asgard who is a very helpful and encouraging friend throughout.
Rick: Hermione's best friend who previously has a crush on her but then becomes a quite supportive friend of her. Very helpful and encouraging. Marries Hermione later.
Professor Harold: Headmaster of the school.
Hela: A goddess and the murderer of Hermione's mother. At the verge of dying and has her only hope to live if she murders Hermione from her own hands. Killed by Hermione.
Seamus, Dean: Class-fellows of Hermione.
Rose Thomas: Daughter of Hermione Granger and Rick Thomas.

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