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{Chapter 2 - Old Friends And Brilliant Insults}

Shouting rang through the halls of the abandoned building I found myself waking up in. My head was still foggy from the night before, I remembered walking out into the parking lot after the ball and then, nothing. As my vision cleared and I gained the ability to see again, my face wrinkled in disgust at the couch I was dumped on.

The voices brought my attention back to the land of the living and to the room the voices seemed to be coming from. I followed the noise and found myself watching the doppelganger yell back and forth with a woman I had known around five hundred years ago, Rose-Marie. She was the one Katerina used to turn herself, she had known Trevor, the vampire I used to get Katerina away from Nik. "Rose?" She stopped shouting at the doppelganger as her eyes snapped to meet mine.

"Emma. Your awake." She started to smile, but stopped when my face became hard. Under any other circumstances I would be happy to see her, as we had grown close at one point in time, but the fact that my neck was snapped to bring me to her made me wary to say the least.

"What's going on? Why was my neck snapped?" Trevor walked into the room and dropped the books he was carrying. He sped over to me, obviously not sensing the mood of the room.

"Emma! It's great to see you again." He pulled me into a hug, which I returned with a slight smile, before turning back to Rose waiting for an answer.

We all sat in silence for a few minutes before I had had enough."Did you somehow go deaf since I last saw you, or are you just avoiding my questions?" Rose and Trevor looked back and forth for a moment before the doppelganger spoke up.

"They must be using you too, as a bargaining chip. They kidnapped me after the masquerade ball, I'm assuming they did the same to you?" I nodded.

"A bargaining chip?" She nodded, and the two vampires in the room stepped back and forth uneasily. "A bargaining chip for who?" I eyed Trevor and Rose, knowing where this was going.

"Some guy named Elijah. They said he was one of the originals, whatever that means." My entire body clenched, and everyone in the room saw it. "Do you know him?" Elena asked carefully, taking note of the steam that was probably coming out of my ears right now.

"Yes." She took a step back, watching the three of us. "Trevor?" He was always the one that had liked me the most, while me and rose had grown close, she was always more careful than he was. "Is this true?" He looked at the ground.

"Emma, don't do anything you'll regret." I almost laughed, but had to stop myself. Rose always was the protective, smarter one of the dynamic duo.

"Oh, I don't think I'll regret it." The two vampires looked frightened, good. "In fact, I do believe it'll be the two of you that will be regretting your decision to bring me here in the first place." I took a threatening step forward, although I knew Elijah wouldn't do anything, I couldn't be sure Nik wouldn't be with him. "If you think I'll sit here and let you use me to get yourselves out of an old mess, your very wrong and incredibly stupid." I went to grab Elena, knowing Damon and Stefan would try to kill me if I didn't save their newest girlfriend. Before I could rush over to her and get out, however, my neck was snapped again. I should've just left the doppelganger.

I woke, for the second time today, with a pain in my neck. Rubbing the sore spot, I looked around in the small dark space I seemed to be trapped in, waiting for my eyes to adjust. When my hands pressed against the door to what I assumed was a closet, my hands started smoking as a horrible pain spread throughout my palms. Onyx. I growled out, realizing I wouldn't be able to get out until someone let me out. So many thoughts ran through my head, the most prominent one being that I wouldn't be able to escape, and there was a chance that Nik would be on the other side of that door. I heard shuffling outside and tried to listen to what was going on, the onyx was weakening my abilities, much like a vampire and vervain, but I could still manage.

Left Behind | N. Mikaelson ( ON HOLD )Where stories live. Discover now