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{Chapter 6 - Nothing Like A Bad Reunion}

  "You're all idiots!" Damon and the rest of his group of misfit supernatural beings tensed up the minute I walked into the Salvatore boarding house. Clearly catching them off guard, I quickly scanned the room. Elena, the Bennett witch, Damon, Stefan, and a brunette I had never met who's eyes stayed frozen to my form.

"And you're late!" Damon countered me, anger was clear in his face, but so was pain.

"Quite fashionably, I'd say." Ethan defended me, while taking some of the attention away from me. There was a feeling of jealousy strung throughout the air, I ignored it for everyone's sake. I clutched Ethan's arm a little tighter than it already was from being intertwined as a thank you which he returned.

"And who the hell is that?" Damon growled out, standing in front of the group, always the protector.

"He's an old friend, but for now who he is isn't important." I glanced over at Ethan who gave me a small nod. "What is important is the fact that you all are incredibly stupid and are going to get yourselves killed if you continue down this path!" I could practically see steam shooting out of Damon's ears.

"Yeah, like we're going to take advice from you! For all we know you could be behind this whole thing, you were married to the guy we're all trying to kill!" I stepped back a little, surprised he knew this. "Yeah, Elijah filled us in on some of the things you've been hiding. So much for best friends."

"Did he now?" The rest of them stayed silent, sensing a change in my tone. "Did Elijah tell you how the last thing my husband said to me was that the next time I saw him he would be holding my heart in his hands?" The rooms energy fell drastically, and a smell of sadness fell over the air. "Did he tell you how I had to fake my death so that me and the other people I cared about could be safe? Did he tell you how I had to stop seeing my friends that I had grown to call family in fear that my husband would find out and kill them?" Damon went to speak again, but I cut him off. "You have no idea what I've been through Damon, no idea the reasons behind my hiding things. I hated every second of lying to you, to anyone, but I did it because I had to. So excuse me for trying to keep the people I care about safe at the expense of my happiness!" Everyone became a little frightened by my small outburst, but Damon had to be Damon.

"So? All that little story does is tell me that you've lived in the natural world. You could still be against us, and I'm not going to take any chances, not when Elena and everyone else in this room are involved." Damon sped over to me, trying to catch me by surprise.

I caught his wrist, throwing him back with not even a quarter of my full strength. The expression on his face was priceless, if only I had a camera on me. "I guess Elijah left this part of the story out." My figure morphed as I stepped out of Ethan's hold. Veins like a vampire's sprouted out along with a long pair of canines. My normally red hair turned to fire in an instant, ancient symbols began to appear on my skin. My anger at Damon and the whole doppelganger experience in general bringing out a side of me that hadn't made an appearance in a very long time. Every emotion in me brought me back to the first time I discovered I was different.

"What the hell are you?" Damon's voice rang through my ears.

"What am I?"

"What am I?" The fear sprinting through my veins caused a change in my voice even I thought was unusual. My aunt turned around to see my shaking figure, pale as a ghost I could tell she knew exactly what I was talking about.

"What do you mean dear?" She asked, right before her face fell. Her eyes had traveled down to the symbols on my wrists, blue and painful, they were runes for each element in our universe, how I knew that I had no idea. She sighed, walking over to me. "I think It's time you and I have a talk."

Left Behind | N. Mikaelson ( ON HOLD )Where stories live. Discover now