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{Chapter 9 - Dungeons And Originals}

 "So, what are you working with him now?" Damon's voice came through my cell as me and Niklaus drove down the road, it's funny how someones opinion of you can change so much in the span of a few days.

 "No, Damon, I'm not working with him. Although he is in the car, so watch what you say." I heard grunting in the background and immediately knew it was Stefan. "Oh stop your brooding, It's not like I'm telling him your plans." I saw Niklaus look at me out of the corner of my eye. "Which I'm not doing, by the way." I gave a pointed look towards him and he just sighed, knowing I wasn't going to do that.

"Oh really, well then why the hell are you with him if you aren't working with him? What about the lies, care to explain any of those?" I sighed.

 "One, they weren't lies. I told you part of the story and you assumed the rest, I just let you believe you were right. Two, I'm not working with him because unlike some people I actually have a sense of loyalty and even when the other party is being a complete jerk, I refuse to betray my best friend." I saw Niklaus' hand grip the steering wheel tighter and had the urge to place my hand on top of his, I pushed the urge away.

 "So we are best friends? That wasn't just some way for you to secretly help Klaus?" He was assuming things and it was getting on my nerves.

 "Now listen here you snarky little shit... Everything that happened between us was real, Niklaus has been chasing me ever since he found out I was alive, and in a desperate attempt to escape him as for some reason he had gotten extremely close, I searched the help of a vampire I had met. That is as far as that connection goes. Everything we did, everything that happened, was because I loved you," Niklaus' hand that was gripping the steering wheel had moved to my thigh and squeezed. "And I still do. You are one of the most important people in my life," It squeezed harder. "And i'll be damned if your annoying paranoia takes that away from me." His hand stayed in that place, and I heard a slight growl, like he was... Dare I say, Jealous?

 "Yeah right. I bet you were just pretending to be with me so you could get back into bed with Satan over there." He started raising his voice at me. "Seriously, how do you expect me to believe what you are saying when everything that you've told me has been lies?"

 "Did you ever stop to think about why I lied?" We pulled up to some stop on the side of the road. Niklaus just sat there, gripping the steering wheel, his hand no longer on my thigh, just listening to my conversation. The other side of the line went silent. "You lie all the time to protect Elena, and Elena lies to protect her friends and family. Did you ever stop to think maybe you knowing was dangerous. Everything I lied to you about had to do with Niklaus, and whether it was because I thought it was dangerous or I just didn't want to talk about it; whether you believe it or not, everything I've lied about, I've lied about to protect you." And with that the line ended.

 "Did you sleep with him?" I heard Niklaus' voice and I almost choked on my own spit.

 "What?" I was in complete and utter shock that Niklaus was asking this.

 "You heard me," Anger was clear in his voice. "Did. You. Sleep. With. Him." I couldn't think, his voice was filled with so much venom. I had never heard him this mad before, and to be completely honest it scared me. I realized that I had been spared the darkest parts of him, as I had been their creator, and for that I will never forgive myself.

 "No. I never slept with him." My voice was soft, I could tell he was slightly relieved, but at the same time there was this unknown look in his eyes that I couldn't quite figure out.

 He got out of the car and sped over to my side, opened the door and grabbed me, speeding off into the woods. We came upon a cabin that looked seemingly normal. But I knew there was something off about it, I couldn't figure it out, I just knew I did not want to enter this house.

Left Behind | N. Mikaelson ( ON HOLD )Where stories live. Discover now