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{Chapter 13 - Bonding And Blondes}

  Me and Stefan were currently sitting around exchanging stories of the past since Nik had went off on his own doing god knows what. He said he needed to go ask someone about the wolf thing, but i'm like 97% positive he was at a bar. 

 I busted out laughing when Stefan told me about the time he and Lexi Stefan's old best friend, got drunk and she took a swan dive off a cliff for no reason except because some human told her she wouldn't. "Man, Lexi sounds like a badass girl. Shame Damon staked her." I heard a quiet "yeah" from the kitchen. "Hey, has Nik texted you?"

  "No, not since the vague, 'Looking for wolves. Be back soon. Tell Emmaline not to break the faucet.'" He read the message he had gotten earlier out loud.

  "Hey, It was one time okay!" I shouted out slightly laughing at the memory of when I practically demolished the sink in one of our old homes. Stefan started laughing a little and gave me a look telling me to explain, I just stared back at him because there was no way in hell I was going to tell him. It was a very.... strange day, to say the least.

  "Man, I can't believe we are still looking for wolves. I mean summer is almost over and we haven't found anything," He stepped over to the couch to sit down with his refilled glass of alcohol. "I just wanna know why he hasn't given up on the whole thing. We already know the rumor has spread, probably putting all of the wolves into hiding at this point." I nodded at his reasoning, but I also knew Nik and knew he wouldn't be giving up anytime soon. Not wanting to ruin his mood anymore than it already was, I stayed silent and just listened to his ranting.

  Just before Stefan was about to start talking again Nik walked in saying he had leads on wolves, and so we got our stuff together and head off to wherever it was that he thought the wolves might be.

************(Major time skip because I have no interest in writing these next scenes)************

  The werewolf lead that Nik had found turned out to be true, but it didn't go as planned. Something was wrong with the wolves and they went rabid through their transitions. The ones that didn't attack any of us just bled out, it was honestly a gruesome sight to see and none of us wanted it to happen again. So we are going to Chicago, apparently Nik knows some witch there that is supposed to help us with our wolf problem.

  Nik and Stefan were out talking to the witch because I was pretty sure who the witch was and she did not like me, not that most witches did. Once I knew that the witch was indeed Gloria, I decided that it would probably be best if she didn't see me, yet, maybe ever. We didn't have a very good history together. I took a short nap, being bored out of mind waiting for them to get back.

  Once I woke up I heard Nik saying something about "She won't like this."

 "Who won't like what?" He looked at me, a little startled, probably thinking I was still asleep.

  "Emmaline, love. We have to wake Rebekah." My heart stopped. I had mixed emotions about this, on one hand  I would finally get to see my best friend again, but on the other...

  "Does she know?" I asked tentatively, not sure what I wanted his answer to be.

  "She doesn't know that you're alive." I let out a breath, she would find out, probably be mad and pissed at me. I didn't know if that was better than the alternative of her knowing for a long time. I could never tell with Rebekah, her reactions were always a wild guess.

  "Okay." I said quietly.

 "Okay?" He looked at me strangely, like he was expecting me to explode.

 "She was going to find out sooner or later, it's probably better for her to find out like this than the way you found out." He nodded sighing. After Nik undaggered his sister, we went to Gloria's bar, unfortunately.

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