Chapter Twenty

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"What do you think her secret power is?" Dendy asked. Tko shrugged.

"I don't know. Y/n said that she was one hundred percent sure that it wasn't the Ribbon ability, but it couldn't have come from her dad. He was only level 2." Tko said.

"Maybe she developed a new power." Dendy said. Tko raised an eyebrow.

"What kind?" He asked.

"Well, Lana's powers may have been erased, but the DNA would still be there. And it may have mixed with Y/n's emotions, causing a fusion of a whole new power. Plus, her father's could be mixed in there." Dendy said.

"But Y/n said that was impossible." Tko frowned, thinking.

"We won't know until we look." Dendy said, pulling a white box with Y/n's name written on it. Tko sighed and lifted the lid, grabbing the file 'LANA-01'. He opened it.

Test Subject 01: Lana L/n

Uses: Energy, fighting

Log 001: Lana is a remarkable person. Although she is a good person, there is some bad things about her. Such as her emotions and her Ribbon ability.

She did once work with P.O.I.N.T, but ever since her incident, she has mood swings. We have reason to believe she's afraid of her new powers, causing her to go completely insane on some people.

The fact that two DNAs such as emotions and something as strong and unknown as the Ribbon ability can mix is an amazing thing. The emotion ability is quite useless to us, and she can't seem to get her to use her Ribbon ability.

We've been testing her. We would put her in dangerous situations, and see if instincts would kick in. But nothing happens. She just screams and becomes angered.

She's still a sentient being, alive and conscience so there is nothing wrong with her. She just had a strange change of powers.

We never did find a way to salvage the Ribbon ability, it's only the DNA there. So she would never be able to use it again.

She also had an age change. She's now twenty five. She's both mentality and physically older, which is amazing. She's also gained knowledge that she never had. It's as if she grew up years in seconds.

We've ended research due to Lana wanting to quit. We can't keep her here, and she wanted to leave. So research is over.

End Log.

"So she wasn't a test subject like crazy science experiments, they just wanted to help her save her power." KO said.

"It seems so." Dendy said as she stood up and paced around the room. "If Lana couldn't save her powers, then Y/n must not have them. So that's not it."

"Maybe Lana just didn't know how to use them." KO suggested.

"Why wouldn't she be able to use them when she's had them her entire life?" Dendy asked.

"Well she didn't know how to use her emotion powers, and since they were added to her Ribbon ability, she couldn't use them. But since Y/n knows how to use them, then she could do it." KO said.

"That would make sense, but Y/n doesn't know how to use her Ribbon ability powers. So even if she did have them, she couldn't use them. And she wouldn't be level 9. So that can't be it." Dendy said.

"Well, you two can stay here while I go to town. I need to find something for Y/n to eat when she wakes up. I'll be back in a while." Tko said. He bid them goodbye and left.

While walking in town, someone called him.

"Tko!" He turned and saw AJ approaching him. "I need to talk to you!"

"AJ, I'm kind of busy." Tko said.

"But it's important! It's about Y/n!" AJ said. He turned to her.

"What about Y/n?" He asked.

"She said something really bad. Really bad." AJ said.

"Like what?" Tko raised an eyebrow.

"She threatened me! She said she would beat me up if I didn't stay away from you!" AJ said. Tko's eyes widened in surprise.

"When?" He asked.

"When we were in school a couple days ago. When we were arguing, she said that if I didn't leave you alone, she would beat me up!" AJ said.

"Why would she say that?" Tko asked.

"I think it's because I'm connected to you and she's not." AJ said. Tko frowned in confusion.

"What do you mean we're not connected? She's my soul mate." Tko said.

"But she doesn't have one. And that means you're not destined to be with her. She didn't tell you?" AJ said. Tko's eyes widened as he looked at the ground.

"We can't be together. That's all that matters."

Y/n never told him she didn't have a soul mate. She kept it a secret just so he would be with her. She knew, and said nothing.

"Tko? You okay?" AJ asked.

"Yeah. I've gotta go." Tko said as turned away from her, on his way back to Y/n's house.

He was fed up with her secrets and lies. He was going to get all of the truth this time, and he wasn't leaving until he did.

Oof AJ is a lying jerk.

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