\\Weekly Idol// 💚

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(Also for the hair, the black boy's hair is the style of it and the women's hair is the colour of it)
(This chapter isn't edited so expect some mistakes)

"Now time for NCT Dream's self written profile!" Sangmin announces, the monkey headband bouncing on his forehead making it look like the monkey is hitting his face as he speaks. The dreamies all clap in messy synchronisation along with the other three MC's.

Everyone looks towards the boards stood on an art easel looking structure as the second MC, Sungjong, reads out the name at the top of the board. "The first person is pinch loving Alex!" All the members turn to look at the boy before looking back at the three MC's before them.

"What does 'pinch loving' mean?" Sangmin scratches his head, seeming more dramatic than confused.

Alex giggles and opens his mouth to speak, only to be cut off by Jisung beside him. "Alex hyung has this weird habit where he just pinches us all the time. Like, when we don't give him what he wants—"

"—but most of the time he just does it subconsciously, he doesn't even realise he's doing it until one of us snaps at him because it hurts, a lot" Jeno cuts in as Alex's cheeks become a tinted pink in embarrassment, matching his hair and hoodie.

The MC's look at him with an expression that reads 'explain', so he does. "Well, when I was younger I was really fussy and a bit of a brat so whenever I was having a tantrum because my mum didn't buy me a toy or something, I'd pinch her out of frustration before being fine again like five minutes later" All three MC's share a shocked expression.

"You used to pinch your mum?!" Sangmin asks, gaping at the 19 year old.

Alex nods shyly as the members all laugh. "Only when I was little though, not anymore.... much" Alex blurts out, his calm persona being taken over by embarrassment.

"Okay then, what else. Alex is very clingy when he's tired" Seyoon reads out and the members all nod in confirmation, as long with Alex who's cheeks are still a dusted with pink.

Mark starts to explain. "Alex generally isn't a very clingy person, he likes skin-ship yes but not as much as Jaeminie or Haechanie for example. But when he's tired it's a whole different story—"

"—like when he's sleepy when we're all watching a movie or something, he'll lay on us and make us play with his hair which eventually leads to him clinging onto one of us like a baby when he's asleep" Chenle cuts in, taking after Jisung and Alex once again crumbles in embarrassment.

"Why do you make them play with your hair?" Sangmin asks.

Alex sighs. "Well back at home my mum always used to play with my hair to get me to sleep, not because I needed it just because she wanted to. Then when I moved to Korea to become a trainee, I found I couldn't sleep without someone playing with my hair, so that's why I always get them to play with my hair before I sleep" lots of mumbled 'that's sweet' and 'how cute' come from the MC's and the members as he finishes speaking.

Once everyone is silent, Jaemin speaks up. "Mostly Alex hyung gets me to do it because I was the first person he became friends with when he became a trainee. We've always been really close like that, and I like skin-ship anyways so it doesn't bother me at all. I think it's cute to be honest"

"When Jaeminie was on hiatus because of his back, I would play with his hair before bed because without Nana there nobody would do it, except for me. Maybe Haechanie would, but Alex hyung always felt like he would rip his hair out as he slept" Renjun says

"What do you mean you think I'd rip your hair out as you sleep?!"

In case you guys haven't seen it, here it is:

See ya for now and I hope you enjoyed

-Ruby xx

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